Call Number (LC) Title Results
U101 .L425 Laws and ordinances of vvar established for the better governing His Maiesties forces in the Kingdom of Portugal, under the command of His Excellenecy Morgan Earl of Insiquin. 1
U101 .L514 2009 Zhu zi wen hua yu xian Qin bing jia = Zhuzi wenhua yu xianqin bingjia / 1
U101 .L574 2014 The Interpretation of Sun Tzu's Art of War (Chinese Edition)孙子兵法解析(中文版) 1
U101 .L574 2015 孙子兵法解析 (the interpretation of sun tzu's art of war) / 1
U101.L83 C36 2007 Liu tao : Guiguzi / 1
U101.L83 W8 1996 Xin yi Liu tao du ben / 1
U101 .M16 1965 The art of war / 1
U101 .M32 1587 I sette libri dell'arte della guerra 1
U101 .M37 Mars his feild, or, The exercise of armes 1
U101 .M37 1626 The souldiers grammar containing, the high, necessarie, and most curious rules of the art militarie : as first, whether it be in great motions in generall? or foote motions especially?, or motions of horse, generall, or speciall?, the ranges of foote, or horse?, the ranges of officers, the seuerall imbattailings of foote, and horse, the imbattailing of a regiment, the ioyning of many regiments, or the forming of maine battailes, of any extent, or number, with their formes, and figures, in liuely demonstration, &c. / 1
U101 .M37 1639 The souldiers grammar contayning the high, necessary, and most curious rules of the art militarie : as first, whether it be in great motions in generall? or foot motions especially, or motions of horse, generall, or speciall?, the ranges of foot or horse?, the ranges of officers, the severall imbattailings of foot and horse?, the imbattailing of a regiment, the ioyning of many regiments, or the forming of maine battailes, of any extent of number, with their formes, and figures, in lively demonstration, &c. /
The second part of the souldiers grammar, or, A schoole for young souldiers especially for all such as are called to any place, or office, (how high or low soever) eyther in the city, or country, for the training, and exercising of the trayned band, whether they be foote or horse : together with perfect figures and demonstrations for attaining the knowledge of all manner of imbattailings, and other exercises /
U101 .M45 Military and maritine [sic] discipline in three books. 2
U101 .M54 1623 The Military discipline wherein is mo[st] martially shone the order of drilling for y[e] musket and pike : set forth in postures with the words of command and briefe instructions for the right vse of the same : to be exercised in musters by order from y[e] Lords of His Ma[jes]ties Most Ho[nora]ble Privy Counsaile. 1
U101 .M54 1642 The Military discipline wherein is martially showne the order for driling the musket and pike : set forth in postures with ye words of comand and brief instructions for the right use of the same. 2
U101 .M59 1986 Gorin no sho / 1
U101 .M5913 A book of five rings / 1
U101 .M74413 2018 Pietro Monte's Collectanea : the arms, armour and fighting techniques of a fifteenth-century soldier / 1
U101 .M862 Le traité iranien de l'art militaire : Ādāb al-ḥarb wa-š-šaǧā'a, du XIIIe siècle. Introd. ét éd. en fac-similé (MS. British Museum, Londres) / 1
U101 .P6813 1974 Polyaenus's stratagems of war / 1
U101 .P78 1970 Polyaeni Strategematon libri VIII / 1