Call Number (LC) Title Results
U101 .C66 1628 The prospectiue glasse of warre. shevving you a glimps of vvarres mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, wayes; in victualling of an armie, prouiding money to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems: ordering of marches, framing of battails, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to auoid battell or fight. Furnished with argument to encourage, and skill to instruct. / 1
U101 .C66 1639 The prospective glasse of vvarre shewing you a glimps of wars mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, vvayes, in victualling of an armie, prouiding mony to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems, ordering of marches, framing of battailes, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to avoid battell or fight : furnished with argument to encourage, and skill to instruct / 1
U101 .D813 1642 The art of vvarre; or, Militarie discourses; shewing how a prince is to prepare himself to make warre ... / 1
U101 .E47 The compleat body of the art military in three books : I. The postures of the pike and musket ..., II. Twelve exercises ..., III. The drawing up and exercising of regiments after the manner of private companies ... : also, the duties of all souldiers and officers ... / 2
U101 .E58 1650 The compleat body of the art military ... divided into three books, the first containing the postures of the pike and musket ... the second comprehending twelve exercises ... the third setting forth the drawing up and exercising of regiments ... illustrated with varietie of figures of battail ... / 2
U101 .E58 1659 The compleat body of the art military ... divided into three books, the first conteining the postures of the pike and musket ... the second comprehending twelve exercises ... the third setting forth the drawing up & exercising of regiments ... illustrated with variety of figures of battail ... / 2
U101 .E76 2022eb Machiavelli and the problems of military force : a war of one's own / 1
U101 .F75 1954 The Instructions sur le faict de la guerre / 1
U101 .F93 1686 The stratagems of war, or, A collection of the most celebrated practices and wise sayings of the great generals in former ages 2
U101 .H49 1643 The third part of the principles of the art military practised in the warres of the United Provinces vnder the Lords the States Generall and His Highnesse the Prince of Orange : treating of severall peeces of ordnance ... : together with a list of all necessary preparations appertaining to an armie ... / 2
U101 .H494 The three parts of the principles of the art military practiced in the warres of the United-Provinces ... / 2
U101 .H614 1638 The second part of the principles of the art military, practized in the warres of the United Provinces consisting of the severall formes of battell, represented by the illustrious Maurice Prince of Orange, of famons [sic] memorie, and His Highnesse Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, that now is, Lord Generall of the Army of the high & mighty Lords the States Generall of the United Netherlands, &c. : together with the order and forme of quartering, encamping, and approching, in a warre offensiue and defensiue /
The second part of the principles of the art military, practized in the warres of the United Provinces consisting of the severall formes of battell, represented by the illustrious Maurice Prince of Orange, of famous memorie, and His Highnesse Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, that now is, Lord Generall of the Army of the high & mighty Lords the States Generall of the United Netherlands, &c. : together with the order and forme of quartering, encamping, and approching, in a warre offensiue & defensiue : vvith a briefe discourse of cavallerie, or horsemen /
U101.H8 A treatise on the military art 1
U101 .H81713 2012 The dao of the military : Liu An's art of war / 1
U101.H82 F8 1997 Xin yi San lue du ben / 1
U101.H823 X85 2011 Huang Shigong san lue xin shuo / 1
U101 (INTERNET) The first part of the principles of the art military practiced in the warres of the United Netherlands, vnder the command of His Highnesse the Prince of Orange our Captaine Generall, for as much as concernes the duties of a souldier, and the officers of a companie of foote, as also of a troupe of horse, and the excerising of them through their severall motions : represented by figure, the word of commaund and demonstration /
Great Yarmouths exercise in a very compleat and martiall manner performed by their artillery men, upon the twenty second of May last, to the great commendations and applause of the whole town, according to the modern discipline of this our age. 1638. /
Sir Walter Rawleighs judicious and select essayes and observations upon the first invention of shipping, invasive war, the Navy Royal and sea-service : with his apologie for his voyage to Guiana.
VVarrefare epitomized in a century, of military observations : confirming by antient principles the moderne practise of armes /
Here begynneth the table of the rubryshys of the boke of the fayt of armes and of chyualrye whiche sayd boke is departyd in to foure partyes.
An epitome of the whole art of war In two parts. The first of military discipline, containing the whole exercise of the pike and musquet, &c. with plain directions for the various postures. Also the drawing up of battalions, and way of forming them; with the art of doubling, wheeling, forming and drawing up an army into any figure. The way of conducting armies in hilly, woody or plain countries: of encampings, besiegings, giving of battle, &c. The second of fortification and gunnery, which shews the principles and practices of fortification, as now used, as well by the English, as several other European nations, (especially by Their Majesties army) at the late siege of Athlone, Galoway, Limerick, &c. ... Of casements, cittadels, crownworks, ravelins, &c. Of gunnery, ... morters, demy-cannon, &c. with the manner of batteries, &c. All illustrated and further explained by 18 copper-plates, curiously designed and engraven.
[Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] /
Certain discourses
The honorable reputation of a souldier with a morall report, of the vertues, offices, and (by abuse) the disgrace of his profession. /
Observations upon military & political affairs
The souldiers grammar containing, the high, necessarie, and most curious rules of the art militarie : as first, whether it be in great motions in generall? or foote motions especially?, or motions of horse, generall, or speciall?, the ranges of foote, or horse?, the ranges of officers ... /
The stratagems of Ierusalem vvith the martiall lavves and militarie discipline, as well of the Iewes, as of the Gentiles /
The second part of the soldiers grammar, or, A schoole for young soldiers Especially for all such as are called to any place, or office, (how high or low soeuer) either in the citie, or countrey, for the training, and exercising of the trayned band, whether they be foote or horse. Together vvith perfect figures and demonstrations for attaining the knowledge of all manner of imbattailings, and other exercises. /
The souldiers accidence, or, An introduction into military discipline containing the first principles and necessary knowledge meete for captaines, muster-masters, and all young souldiers of the infantrie, or foote bandes. Also, the cavallarie or formes of trayning of horse-troopes, as it hath beene received from the latest and best experiences armies. A worke fit for all noble, generous, and good spirits, that loue honor, or honorable action. /
A briefe discourse of vvarre
Of the knovvledge and conducte of warres two bookes, latelye wrytten and sett foorth, profitable for suche as delight in hystoryes, or martyall affayres, and necessarye for this present tyme.
A treatise of the art of war dedicated to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty /
Military duties recommended to an artillery company, at their election of officers, in Charls-town, 13. d. 7. m. 1686. /
The theorike and practike of moderne vvarres discoursed in dialogue vvise : vvherein is declared the neglect of martiall discipline, the inconuenience thereof, the imperfections of manie training captaines, a redresse by due regard had, the fittest weapons for our moderne vvarre, the vse of the same, the parts of a perfect souldier in generall and in particular, the officers in degrees, with their seuerall duties ... /
The second part of the principles of art military, practised in the warres of the United Provinces consisting of the severall formes of battels, represented by the illustrious Maurice Prince of Orange of famous memorie, and His Highnesse Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, that is Captaine Generall of the Army of the high and mighty Lords the States Generall of the United Provinces : together with the order and forme of quartering, encamping, and approaching, in a warre offensive and defensive.
The third part of the principles of the art military practised in the warres of the United Provinces vnder the Lords the States Generall and His Highnesse the Prince of Orange : treating of severall peeces of ordnance ... : together with a list of all necessary preparations appertaining to an armie ... /
The arte of vvarre Beeing the onely rare booke of myllitarie profession, drawne out of all our late and forraine seruices /
The military garden, or , Instructions for all young souldiers and such who are disposed to learne, and have knowledge of the militarie discipline. ...
U101 .J12 Military discipline, or, The art of war shewing directions for the postures in exercising of the pike and musket, the dragoons, granadeers, and horse : the art of doubling, wheeling, forming, and drawing up a battalion or army into any figure &c. ... all truly represented ... with several prospects and other designs for the practice and exercise of arms / 2
U101 .K85 1994 Che ying kou da he bian qian shuo / 1
U101 .L42313 2010 The Taktika of Leo VI / 1