Call Number (LC) Title Results
U101 .V313 1996 Vegetius : epitome of military science / 1
U101 .V44 1815 Di Vegezio Flavio dell'arte della guerra libri 4 / 1
U101 .W253 1996 Xin yi Si ma fa / 1
U101 .W254 1996 Xin yi Wuzi du ben / 1
U101.W45 C43 1996 Xin yi Wei Liao zi / 1
U101.W45 L58 1984 Wei liao zi jin zhu jin yi / 1
U101 .W59 Certaine vvayes for the ordering of souldiours in battelray, and setting of battailes, after diuers fashions with their manner of marching: and also fugures [sic] of certaine newe plattes for fortification of townes: and moreouer, how to make saltpeter, gounpouder and diuers sortes of fireworkes or wilde fire, with other thinges appertayning to the warres. /
Certaine vvayes for the ordering of souldiours in battelray, and setting of battayles, after diuers fashions with their manner of marching: and also fugures [sic] of certayne newe plattes for fortification of townes: and moreover, howe to make saltpeter, gunpouder and diuers sortes of fireworkes or wilde fyre, with other thinges appertayning to the warres. /
U101.W83 F8 1985 Wuzi jin zhu jin yi / 1
U101 .W84 2007 Wu jing qi shu / 1
U101 .X548 2007 Xian Qin bing shu yan jiu / 1
U101 .Y3413 1986 The sword & the mind / 1
U101 .Z9 1957 Hadtudomanyi munkai / 1
U101 ebook El arte de la guerra /
El libro de los cinco anillos : la estrategia del guerrero /
El Arte de la Guerra El Manga.
El libro de las estratagemas
U102 Routledge handbook of defence studies /
The dialectic of position and maneuver : understanding Gramsci's military metaphor /
Advanced land warfare : tactics and operations /
U102 .A55 2014eb Contemporary military theory : the dynamics of war / 1
U102 .B33 1813 Manual de un joven oficial, o, Ensayo sobre la teoría militar / 1
U102 .B625 Modern warfare : a study of men, weapons and theories. 1
U102 .B646 1900 Modern weapons and modern war : being an abridgment of "The war of the future in its technical, economic and political relations" / 1
U102 .B68 La guerre : Traduction de l'ouvrage russe, La guerre future, aux points de vue Technique, Économique et Politique / 1
U102 .B8513 2013eb The spirit of the modern system of war / 1