Call Number (LC) Title Results
U102 .C658 1967 A short guide to Clausewitz on war. / 1
U102 .C6585 The Clausewitz Casyndekan : conceptual index, Clausewitz on war, analyzed and indexed by computer. [A staff project of Casyndekan, Inc.] 1
U102.C6643 Clausewitz and Modern Strategy / 1
U102.C6643 F54 2013 Clausewitz's Timeless Trinity : a Framework For Modern War. 1
U102.C6643 F54 2016 Clausewitz's timeless trinity a framework for modern war / 1
U102.C6643 H47 2007 Clausewitz's puzzle : the political theory of war / 1
U102.C6643 H69 2002eb Clausewitz : a very short introduction / 1
U102.C6643 S63 2005 On Clausewitz : a study of military and political ideas / 1
U102.C6643 S72 2007 Clausewitz's On war : a biography / 1
U102.C6643 W55 2010 Clausewitz reconsidered / 1
U102 .C665 Principles of war / 1
U102 .C78 War is obsolete. : The dialectics of military technology and its consequences / 1
U102 .C785 2007 Military misdemeanors : corruption, incompetence, lust and downright stupidity / 1
U102 .D55 2009 The liberal way of war : killing to make life live / 1
U102 .D55 2009eb The liberal way of war : killing to make life live / 1
U102 .D8 The American military library or, Compendium of the modern tactics. 1
U102 .D835 1982b How to make war : a comprehensive guide to modern warfare / 1
U102 .D836 1993 How to make war : a comprehensive guide to modern warfare for the post-Cold War era / 1
U102 .E18 Military concepts and philosophy / 1
U102 .E44 2020i The human element in decisions about the use of force 1