Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
U110 .I56 1644 | A militarie rudiment, or Observations of the form of militarie exercise, according to His Excellens Guard in Holland. With the ranges and number of officers in an armie, from the lowest to the highest, and their dueties, in short. As also is added a little anent the composition of an armie. And finallie, some few principalls, in the art of fortification. / | 1 |
U110 .M37 1643 | The souldiers exercise in three bookes : containing most necessary and curious rules for the exact mustering both of horse-troopes and foote-bands : with severall formes of battailes described in figures : a worke fit to be studied, and meete for the knowledge of captaines, muster-masters, and all young souldiers and generous spirits that love the honourable practise of armes / | 2 |
U113 .B58 1995 | The soldier's guidebook / | 2 |
U113 .B97 | Camp and outpost duty for infantry : with standing orders, extracts from the revised regulations for the army, rules for health, maxims for soldiers, and duties of officers / | 1 |
U113 .M65 1916 | Privates' manual / | 1 |
U113 .U55 1934i | Basic field manual | 1 |
U113 .V64 1995 | The military hand-book and soldier's manual of information : embracing the official articles of war ... together with a complete dictionary of military terms / | 1 |
U113.2 .TM |
Department of the Army technical manual War Department technical manual. |
2 |
U115.E5 1672 | Orders, rules, and instruction to be observed by the Muster-Master General and Cleark of the Checques, the Comptroller of the Musters and Checques and commissiaries of the Musters of His Majesties army and forces in Ireland, and all others whom the same doth or shall in any way concern, for the better preventing of any deceipts that may be practised in the army, and to render the same full and effectuall for His Majesties service / | 1 |
U115 .E5 1672 | Laws and ordinances of war established for the good of his Majesties army in Ireland. / | 1 |
U115 .E53 | Articles and rules for the better government of His Majesties forces by land, during this present war. | 1 |
U115.G7 W65 1682 | A treatise of the English military discipline, both the old way, and the shortest way now in use | 1 |
U115.G8 L39 1662 | Laws and ordinances of war established for the good conduct of His Majesties army in Ireland / | 1 |
U115.S36 A2 1686 | An abridgment of military discipline, for the use of His Majesties forces in the kingdom of Scotland. By His Majesties special command. | 1 |
U115.S36 S36 1650 | Articles and ordinances of war, | 1 |
U115.S36 S36 1686 | Rules and articles of war, for the better government of his Majesties army in the kingdom of Scotland. Published by his Majesties command. | 1 |
U115 .S38 1675 | Articles and rules for the better government of his Majesties forces in Scotland | 1 |
U115.36 A2 1680 | An abridgment of the military discipline. Appointed by his Majesty to be used by all his forces, in his ancient kingdom of Scotland. | 1 |
U123 .P46 1999 | The three meter zone : common sense leadership for NCOs / | 1 |
U133 | Military advisors / | 1 |