Call Number (LC) Title Results
U162 .A3 no. 300 The politics of oil in the Caucasus and Central Asia : prospects for oil exploitation and export in the Caspian basin / 1
U162 .A3 no. 301 Conventional arms control and European security : conventional arms-control agreements and their role in the emerging European security architecture / 1
U162 .A3 no. 303 Disarmament and demobilisation after civil wars / 1
U162 .A3 no. 304 Iran-Saudi Arabia relations and regional order : Iran and Saudi Arabia in the balance of power in the Gulf / 1
U162 .A3 no.304 Iran-Saudi Arabia relations and regional order : Iran and Saudi Arabia in the balance of power in the Gulf / 1
U162 .A3 no. 304eb Iran-Saudi Arabia relations and regional order : Iran and Saudi Arabia in the balance of power in the Gulf / 1
U162 .A3 no. 306 Central European civil-military reforms at risk / 1
U162 .A3 no. 307 Rethinking confidence-building measures : obstacles to agreement and the risks of overselling the process / 1
U162 .A3 no.307 Rethinking confidence-building measures : obstacles to agreement and the risks of overselling the process / 1
U162 .A3 no. 308 Ending civil wars / 1
U162 .A3 no. 309 Non-proliferation incentives for Russia and Ukraine / 1
U162 .A3 no.309eb Non-proliferation incentives for Russia and Ukraine / 1
U162 .A3 NO 310 Russia and North-east Asia / 1
U162 .A3 no. 310 Russia and North-east Asia / 1
U162 .A3 no. 310eb Russia and North-east Asia / 1
U162 .A3 no. 311 Responding to crises in the African Great Lakes / 1
U162 .A3 no. 312 Maintaining nuclear stability in South Asia / 1
U162 .A3 no. 313 Enhancing Indo-US strategic cooperation / 1
U162 .A3 no. 314 The Islamist impasse / 1
U162 .A3 no. 315 The limits of Sino-Russian strategic partnership / 1