Call Number (LC) Title Results
U162 .A3 no. 64 Survey of strategic studies. 1
U162 .A3 no. 65 Soviet-American relations and world order : arms limitations and policy. 1
U162 .A3 no. 66 Soviet-American relations and world order : the two and the many. 1
U162 .A3 no. 67 The armed forces of African states, 1970 / 1
U162 .A3 no. 68-70 Military logistic systems in N.A.T.O. : the goal of integration. 1
U162 .A3 no. 69 Ethics and deterrence : a nuclear balance without hostage cities? 1
U162 .A3 no. 70 Europe and America in the 1970s. 1
U162 .A3 no. 70, etc Europe and America in the 1970s. 1
U162 .A3 no. 71 Europe and America in the 1970s. 1
U162 .A3 no. 72 Military manpower and political purpose. 1
U162 .A3 no. 73 Wary partners: the Soviet Union and Arab socialism. 1
U162 .A3 no. 74 Multinational enterprise and national security. 1
U162 .A3 no. 75 Soviet attitudes to SALT / 1
U162 .A3 no. 76 Technology, management and the Soviet military establishment. 1
U162 .A3 no. 76-79 Future conditional: the prospect for Anglo-French nuclear co-operation. 1
U162 .A3 no. 77 The political implications of strategic parity. 1
U162 .A3 no. 78 Future conditional: the prospect for Anglo-French nuclear co-operation. 1
U162 .A3 no. 79 Urban guerrilla warfare : with an appendix: Minimanual of the urban guerrilla / 1
U162 .A3 no. 104 Indonesia's future and South-East Asia / 1
U162 .A3 no. 104 DS518.9.I6 Indonesia's future and South-East Asia / 1