Call Number (LC) Title Results
U263 .N758 1985 The Nuclear reader : strategy, weapons, war / 1
U263 .N76 1984 Nuclear strategy and the code of the warrior : faces of Mars and Shiva in the crisis of human survival / 3
U263 .N765 1985 Nuclear strategy, arms control, and the future / 1
U263 .N765 1988 Nuclear strategy, arms control, and the future / 1
U263 .N778 1983 Nuclear war and nuclear peace / 2
U263 .N778 1988 Nuclear war and nuclear peace / 1
U263 .N7784 1986 Nuclear war, nuclear proliferation and their consequences ; proceedings of the Vth international colloquium organized by the Groupe de Bellerive, Geneva, 27-29 June 1985 / 1
U263 .N779 1985 Nuclear war : philosophical perspectives : an anthology / 1
U263 .N779 1987 Nuclear war : philosophical perspectives : an anthology / 1
U263 .N8 1983 The Aftermath : the human and ecological consequences of nuclear war /
The Aftermath : the human and ecological consequences of nuclear war.
U263 .N8 1993 Nuclear deterrence : problems and perspectives in the 1990s / 1
U263 .N83 1985 Nuclear strategy and world security : annals of Pugwash 1984 / 1
U263 .N83 2008eb Nuclear doctrines and strategies : national policies and international security / 1
U263 .N844 1986 Nuclear weapons, deterrence, and disarmament / 1
U263 .N844 1986eb Nuclear weapons, deterrence, and disarmament 1
U263 .N845 1986 Nuclear winter and national security : implications for future policy / 1
U263 .N845 1986i Nuclear winter and national security implications for future policy / 1
U263 .N846 1986 Nuclear winter, deterrence, and the prevention of nuclear war / 1
U263 .O34 2008 The challenge of nuclear-armed regional adversaries / 1
U263 .O34 2008eb The challenge of nuclear-armed regional adversaries /
The challenge of nuclear-armed regional adversaries