Call Number (LC) Title Results
U263 .S78 1989 Study on the climatic and other global effects of nuclear war / 1
U263 .S79 1989i Study on the climatic and other global effects of nuclear war 1
U263 .S96 2000i Symposium on nuclear doctrines 1
U263 .T42 1987 Technical papers presented at the Defense Nuclear Agency Global Effects Review. 1
U263 .T45 2001 Thinking about nuclear weapons : analyses and prescriptions / 1
U263 .T46 1985 Psychological aspects of nuclear war / 1
U263 .T69 2022 Toxic immanence : decolonizing nuclear legacies and futures / 1
U263 .W33 1987 A world beyond healing : the prologue and aftermath of nuclear war / 1
U263 .W39 1988 War and peace in the nuclear age 1
U263 .W53 1983 Nuclear war, nuclear peace / 2
U263 .W56 2002 Strategic thinking : an introduction and farewell / 1
U263 .W685 1988 "Would the insects inherit the earth?" : and other subjects of concern to those who worry about nuclear war / 1
U263 .Y68 2019 Nuclear war in the UK / 1
U264 America, Britain and Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme, 1974-1980 : a dream of nightmare proportions /
Nuclear strategy in the modern era : regional powers and international conflict /
Political fallout : nuclear weapons testing and the making of a global environmental crisis /
Project on nuclear issues : a collection of papers from the 2015 conference series /
Nuclear weapons and security : the effects of alternative test ban treaties /
Nuclear Command and Control Norms : a Comparative Study.
Research Required to Support Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Monitoring.
Objections to nuclear defence : philosophers on deterrence /
No-first-use /
Nuclear playground /
Fundamentals of strategic weapons : offense and defense systems /
The sword and the shield : Britain, America, NATO and nuclear weapons, 1970-1976 /
Deterrence under uncertainty : artificial intelligence and nuclear warfare /
Arsenal : understanding weapons in the nuclear age /
Elements of security and non-proliferation
El nuevo desafío : la proliferación nuclear en el umbral del siglo XXI /
AI and the bomb : nuclear strategy and risk in the digital age /
TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS European perspectives.
U264 .A43 1983 Alliance security : NATO and the no-first-use question / 1
U264 .A434 2000 Alternative nuclear futures : the role of nuclear weapons in the post-cold war world / 1
U264 .A44 1984 The American atom : a documentary history of nuclear policies from the discovery of fission to the present, 1939-1984 / 2
U264 .A75 1985 Nuclear battlefields : global links in the arms race / 1
U264 .A77 2006eb Britain, Australia and the bomb the nuclear tests and their aftermath / 1
U264 .B34 1995 Scientists and the development of nuclear weapons : from fission to the Limited Test Ban Treaty, 1939-1963 / 1