Call Number (LC) Title Results
U264 .U534 2017i Understanding nuclear weapon risks 1
U264 .U54 1988 Nuclear science : issues associated with completing WNP-1 as a defense materials production reactor : report to the Honorable Brock Adams, U.S. Senate / 1
U264 .U7 1995 The United States, Japan, and the future of nuclear weapons / 1
U264 .V36 1987 Nuclear weapons, policies, and the test ban issue / 1
U264 .W36 2019i Nuclear risk reduction the state of ideas /
Nuclear risk reduction a framework for analysis /
U264 .W36 2021i The cyber-nucler nexus interactions and risks /
Nuclear escalation strategies and perceptions the United States, the Russian Federation, and China /
U264 .W38 1984 Watermelons not war : a support book for parenting in the nuclear age / 1
U264 .W45 1981 Nuclear weapons spread and Australian policy / 1
U264 .W65 2022 Nuclear weapons / 1
U264.3 Atomic Age America.
The Bomb : presidents, generals, and the secret history of nuclear war.
The Evolving U.S. Nuclear Narrative: Communicating the Rationale for the Role and Value of U.S. Nuclear Weapons, 1989 to Today.
A history of U.S. nuclear testing and its influence on nuclear thought, 1945-1963 /
U264.3 .A3537 Nuclear weapons : design reviews of DOE's Tritium Extraction Facility : report to the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate / 1
U264.3 .A44 1998 DVD America's atomic bomb tests. 1
U264.3 .A46 2006 Nuclear weapons : NNSA needs to refine and more effectively manage its new approach for assessing and certifying nuclear weapons : report to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / 1
U264.3 .A874 1998 Atomic audit : the costs and consequences of U.S. nuclear weapons since 1940 / 1
U264.3 .A874 1998eb Atomic audit : the costs and consequences of U.S. nuclear weapons since 1940 / 1
U264.3 .B53 2014 A history of U.S. nuclear testing and its influence on nuclear thought, 1945-1963 / 1
U264.3 .B57 2008 Scientists in conflict : Hans Bethe, Edward Teller and the shaping of United States nuclear weapons policy, 1945-1972 / 1
U264.3 .B75 2010eb Continental defense in the Eisenhower era : nuclear antiaircraft arms and the Cold War / 1
U264.3 .D44 2017 Defending the arsenal why America's nuclear modernization still matters / 1
U264.3 .D69 2018 Renewing America's nuclear arsenal : options for the 21st century / 1