Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA23 .W4593 1993 The origins of U.S. nuclear strategy, 1945-1953 / 1
UA23 .W4596 2010 Bomb power : the modern presidency and the national security state / 1
UA23 .W4597 1993 Herbert Hoover and the armed forces : a study of presidential attitudes and policy / 1
UA23 .W48 1989 Windows of opportunity : from cold war to peaceful competition in US-Soviet relations / 1
UA23 .W485 1993 Life under a cloud : American anxiety about the atom / 2
UA23 .W4854 1992 Post-cold war force-sizing debate : paradigms, metaphors, and disconnects /
The post-Cold War force-sizing debate : paradigms, metaphors, and disconnects /
UA23 .W4857 2010 Transatlantic diplomacy and the use of military force in the post-Cold War era / 2
UA23 .W486 1992 Buildup : the politics of defense in the Reagan era / 1
UA23 .W49 1998 Why is military spending going up? 1
UA23 .W49 2010 Irrational security : the politics of defense from Reagan to Obama / 1
UA23 .W63 1991 America insecure : arms transfers, global interventionism, and the erosion of national security / 1
UA23.W66 1991  
UA23 .W77 The uses and abuses of analysis in the defense environment : a conversation with R. James Woolsey. 2
UA23 .W7766 2015 Orchestrating the instruments of power : a critical examination of the U.S. national security system / 1
UA23 .W7766 2015eb Orchestrating the instruments of power : a critical examination of the U.S. national security system / 2
UA23 .Y25 1988 Starting with the people / 2
UA23 .Y28 1971 The military establishment ; its impacts on American society.
The military establishment : its impacts on American society.
UA23 .Y29 1983 Paradoxes of power : the military establishment in the eighties / 1
UA23 .Y3 United States military power and foreign policy. 1
UA23 .Y37 2013 National security through a cockeyed lens : how cognitive bias impacts U.S. foreign policy / 1