Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA26.F665 C43 1992 The origins and development of the National Training Center, 1976-1984 / 1
UA26.F6655 D67 1993 Fort Kamehameha : the story of the harbor defenses of Pearl Harbor / 1
UA26.F68 D63 1998 Fort Riley and its neighbors : military money and economic growth, 1853-1895 / 1
UA26.G3 History of u.s. military forces in germany.
Defenders or intruders? : the dilemmas of U.S. forces in Germany /
UA26.G3 G47 2013 GIs in Germany : the social, economic, cultural, and political history of the American military presence /
GIs in Germany : the Social, Economic, Cultural and Political History of the American Military Presence /
UA26.G3 H39 2001 Army of hope, army of alienation : culture and contradiction in the American Army communities of Cold War Germany / 1
UA26.G3 H39 2005 Army of hope, army of alienation : culture and contradiction in the American Army communities of Cold War Germany / 1
UA26.G3 .H65 2013eb Social unrest and American military bases in Turkey and Germany / 1
UA26.G3 H65 2014 Social unrest and American military bases in Turkey and Germany since 1945 / 1
UA26.G3 L46 2016 American military communities in West Germany : life in the Cold War Badlands, 1945-1990 / 1
UA26.G3 M85 2011 US-Truppen und Sowjetarmee in Deutschland : Erfahrungen, Beziehungen, Konflikte im Vergleich / 1
UA26.G3 N43 1987 Defenders or intruders : the dilemmas of U.S. forces in Germany / 1
UA26.G3 N45 1987 A history of U.S. military forces in Germany / 1
UA26.G3 T76 Troop I & E bulletin. 1
UA26.G3 U54 1979 Germany, facts you need to know. 1
UA26.G3 V39 2019 An army in crisis : social conflict and the U.S. Army in Germany, 1968-1975 / 1
UA26.G3 W55 2001 Remaking the conquering heroes : the social and geopolitical impact of the post-war American occupation of Germany / 1
UA26.G67 D85 1987 US defence bases in the United Kingdom : a matter for joint decision? / 1
UA26.K6 C49 2014 Chuhan Migunsa = History of the United States Army Forces in Korea / 1
UA26.K6 C56 Deterrence and defense in Korea : the role of U.S. forces / 2