Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA606 .C44 1989 Centroamérica, la guerra de baja intensidad / 1
UA606 .C46 1984 Central America and the western alliance / 2
UA606 .C465 1988 The Central American security system : north-south or east-west /
The Central American Security System : North-South or East-West? /
UA606 .D45 1994 De la guerra a la integración : la transición y la seguridad en Centroamérica / 1
UA607.C8 B65 2017 A bold peace / 2
UA607.G8 O25 2015 Building the Guatemalan interagency task force Tecún Umán : lessons identified / 1
UA607.G8 O25 2015eb Building the Guatemalan interagency task force Tecún Umán : lessons identified / 1
UA607.N5 N53 1988 Nicaraguan security policy : trends and projections / 1
UA607.S2 S64 1996 From Vietnam to El Salvador : the saga of the FMLN Sappers and other guerrilla special forces in Latin America / 1
UA609 Managing new security threats in the Caribbean / 1
UA609 .G37 1988 La estrategia de Estados Unidos y la militarización del Caribe ensayo sobre el desarrollo histórico de las fuerzas de seguridad y la presencia militar de Estados Unidos en el Caribe angloparlante / 1
UA609 .G75 1993 The quest for security in the Caribbean : problems and promises in subordinate states / 1
UA609 .G75 2015 The quest for security in the Caribbean problems and promises in subordinate states / 1
UA609 -- G75 2015eb Quest for Security in the Caribbean : Problems and Promises in Subordinate States. 1
UA609 .K37 2013 A national force : the evolution of Canada's army, 1950-2000 / 1
UA609 .M55 1986 Militarization in the non-Hispanic Caribbean / 1
UA609 .M66 1984 Caribbean Basin security / 1
UA609 .S43 1996 Security problems and policies in the post-cold war Caribbean / 1
UA609 .S59 2013eb Size and survival : the politics of security in the Caribbean and the Pacific / 1
UA609 .S78 1991 Strategy and security in the Caribbean / 1