Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA626 .O94 1987 Overcoming threats to Europe : a new deal for confidence and security / 1
UA628 ebook Agresión externa y seguridad regional : perspectivas desde Ecuador y Costa Rica / 1
UA637 .J33 2013 Military politics and democracy in the Andes / 1
UA643 .S89 Fortificación y defensa / 1
UA646 The politico-military dynamics of European crisis response operations planning, friction, strategy /
Safety and reliability : methodology and applications, proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014, Wrocław, Poland, 14-18 September 2014 /
Euro-Mediterranean Security : a Search for Partnership.
The Routledge Handbook of European Security Law and Policy
How war might spread to Europe /
Managing security threats along the EUs Eastern flanks
A shift in the security paradigm global challenges: Is Europe ready to meet them? /
Hard power in hard times : can Europe act strategically? /
Contemporary European Security /
The end of European security institutions? the EU's common foreign and security policy and NATO after Brexit /
The European Union and the use of military force : uncovering the myths /
Emerging dimensions of European security policy /
The nuclear confrontation in Europe /
The Future of European alliance systems : NATO and the Warsaw Pact /
Conventional arms control and the security of europe.
From vision to reality : implementing Europe's new security order /
Security Policy Reorientation in Peripheral Europe : a Comparative-Perspectivist Approach.
Debating European security and defense policy : understanding the complexity /
Strengthening conventional deterrence in Europe : a program for the 1980s : European Security Study report of the special panel : ESECS II /
La UE y el Mediterraneo a la luz de la Estrategia global de seguridad de la union retos futuros en las politicas de vecindad, seguridad y defensa.
Future war and the defence of Europe /
The OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-military Aspects of Security : Anatomy and Implementation.
The EU security continuum : blurring internal and external security /
European security without the Soviet Union /
DECISION POINTS rationalising the armed forces of european medium powers.
Georgia in a reconnecting Eurasia : foreign economic and security interests /
Understanding EU-NATO cooperation : how member states matter /
The handbook of European defence policies and armed forces /
The emergence of EU defense research policy from innovation to militarization /
Disconcerted Europe the search for a new security architecture /
Risk, reliability and safety : innovating theory and practice : proceedings of the 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2016, Glasgow, Scotland, 25-29 September 2016 /
The political economy of European security /
Integration and security in western Europe : inside the European pillar /
The Challenge of European Political Will.
Europe's High-End Military Challenges The Future of European Capabilities and Missions.
Defending Europe : options for security /
UA646 .A35 Strength and unity : address / 1
UA646 .A633 1989 Alternative conventional defense postures in the European theater / 1
UA646 A633 1993eb Alternative conventional defense postures in the European theater. Force posture alternatives for Europe after the Cold War / 1
UA646 .A635 1990 Alternatives in European security / 1
UA646 .A637 2018 The Brink : President Reagan and the Nuclear War Scare of 1983 / 1
UA646 .A64 American arms and a changing Europe; dilemmas of deterrence and disarmament
American arms and a changing Europe: dilemmas of deterrence and disarmament /
UA646 .A74 1989 Arms control and European security / 1
UA646 A84 1980 Aufrüsten, um abzurüsten? : Informationen zur Lage : Friedensforscher reagieren auf die internationale Krise / 1
UA646 .A84 1988 ATBMs and Western security : missile defenses for Europe / 1
UA646 .A96 1985 Avoiding nuclear war : common security as a strategy for the defence of the West / 1
UA646 .A97 1997 The dynamics of European security cooperation, 1945-91 / 1
UA646 .A9723 2000 A European security architecture after the Cold War : questions of legitimacy / 1
UA646 .B375 2010 The EU and the European security order : interfacing security actors / 1
UA646 .B375 2010eb The EU and the European security order interfacing security actors / 1
UA646 .B44 1977 Beyond nuclear deterrence : new aims, new arms / 2