UA646 .C6746 1988
Conventional arms control and the security of Europe / |
1 |
UA646 .C6749 1986
The Conventional defense of Europe : new technologies and new strategies / |
1 |
UA646 .C675 1984
Conventional deterrence : alternatives for European defense / |
2 |
UA646 .C6754 1989i
Conventional forces and arms limitation in Europe report / |
1 |
UA646 .C6813
Armies and societies in Europe, 1494-1789 / |
2 |
UA646 .C713 2007
Security in the new Europe / |
1 |
UA646 .C732 2000
Sharing security : the political economy of burdensharing / |
1 |
UA646 .C74 1987
SDI and European security / |
1 |
UA646 .C774 2003
The future of the transatlantic defense community : final report of the CSIS Commission on Transatlantic Security and Industrial Cooperation in the Twenty-first Century / |
1 |
UA646 .C87 1988
The anti-tactical ballistic missile issue and European security / |
1 |
UA646 .C88 1990
Enhancing European security : living in a less nuclear world / |
1 |
UA646 .C97 1987
U.S. foreign policy and European security / |
1 |
UA646 .D37 1989
The INF controversy : lessons for NATO modernization and transatlantic relations / |
1 |
UA646 .D38 1986
Regional security and anti-tactical ballistic missiles : political and technical issues / |
1 |
UA646 .D42 1987
Watershed in Europe : dismantling the East-West military confrontation / |
1 |
UA646 .D4274 2005eb
Defence Transformation in Europe : evolving military roles / |
1 |
UA646 .D429 1987
The Defense of Western Europe / |
1 |
UA646 .D45 1983
Defense and consensus : the domestic aspects of western security / |
1 |
UA646 .D455 1984
The defense of the West : strategic and European security issues reappraised / |
1 |
UA646 .D466 2007eb
Denationalisation of defence : convergence and diversity / |
1 |