Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
UA646 .G423 1995i | European security in the 1900s challenges and perspectives / | 1 |
UA646 .G47 1984 | Modeling and analysis of conventional defense in Europe : assessment of improvement options / | 1 |
UA646 .G57 1984 | Security in Europe : a crisis of confidence : a study of military security and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe as a political instrument for enhancing confidence and stability in Europe / | 2 |
UA646 .G587 2002 | A strategy for stable peace : toward a Euroatlantic security community / | 1 |
UA646 .G59 | Armies in Europe / | 1 |
UA646 .G68 2021 | Armies and Ecosystems in Premodern Europe The Meuse Region, 1250-1850 / | 1 |
UA646 .G86 2019eb | The guns fall silent : the end of the cold war and the future of conventional disarmament. | 1 |
UA646 .H34 1993 | European defense and the future of transatlantic cooperation / | 1 |
UA646 .H394 2006eb | War as risk management : strategy and conflict in an age of globalised risks / | 1 |
UA646 .H48 1997 | NATO, Britain, France, and the FRG : nuclear strategies and forces for Europe, 1949-2000 / | 1 |
UA646 .H495 2018 | No place for Russia : European security institutions since 1989 / | 1 |
UA646 .H85 2002 | The European Security and Defense Policy : NATO's companion - or competitor? / | 1 |
UA646 .H85 2002eb |
The European Security and Defense Policy : NATO's companion - or competitor? / The European Security and Defense Policy NATO's companion - or competitor? / |
4 |
UA646 .H93 1991 | European security beyond the Cold War : four scenarios for the year 2010 / | 1 |
UA646 .H934 2007 | European security in the twenty-first century : the challenge of multipolarity / | 1 |
UA646 .H934 2007eb | European security in the twenty-first century : the challenge of multipolarity / | 1 |
UA646 .I37 1988 | Nuclear strategy and European security dilemmas : towards an autonomous European defence system? / | 1 |
UA646 .I575 1991 | Integration and security in western Europe : inside the European pillar / | 1 |
UA646 .J656 2016 | Able Archer 83 : the secret history of the NATO exercise that almost triggered nuclear war / | 1 |
UA646 .J67 | Nuclear politics: America, France, and Britain / | 1 |