Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA646.3 .N24633 1994 The NATO summit and beyond : a consensus report of the CSIS Senior NATO Policy Group / 1
UA646.3 .N24638 1992 NATO : the founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the integration of Europe / 1
UA646.3 .N2464 1984 NATO, the next generation / 1
UA646.3 .N2464 2018 NATO, the next generation 1
UA646.3 .N2468 1985 NATO's anxious birth : the prophetic vision of the 1940s / 2
UA646.3 .N24692 2013 NATO's European allies military capability and political will /
NATO's European Allies : Military Capability and Political Will /
UA646.3 .N246984 1995 NATO's role in European stability / 1
UA646.3 .N246985 1999 NATO's role, missions and future / 1
UA646.3 .N247 1981 NATO's strategic options : arms control and defense / 1
UA646.3 .N38 1959eb NATO and American security / 1
UA646.3 .N38 1984i NATO and the Warsaw Pact force comparisons. 1
UA646.3 .N38 1988eb NATO's southern allies : internal and external challenges / 2
UA646.3 .N38 2010 NATO in search of a vision / 1
UA646.3 .N386 2010eb NATO at 60 : the post-cold war enlargement and the alliance's future / 1
UA646.3 N386 2017 NATO and the North Atlantic : Revitalising Collective Defence. 1
UA646.3 .N453 2012 War, Conflict and Security in Japan and Asia Pacific, 1941-1952 : the Writings of Louis Allen. 1
UA646.3 .N46 2022 How to achieve defence cooperation in Europe? : the subregional approach / 1
UA646.3 .N474 1987 New conventional weapons and Western defence / 1
UA646.3 .N49 2013 New conventional weapons and Western defence 1
UA646.3 .N656 Facts about NATO.
Facts and figures /