Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA646.3 K759 2012 Severoatlantická aliance a řešení ozbrojených konfliktů : Komparace angažmá v Kosovu a Libyi. 1
UA646.3 .K76 1987 New weapons and NATO : solutions or irritants? / 1
UA646.3 .K83 1993 Commitment to purpose : how alliance partnership won the cold war / 1
UA646.3 .K85 1992 NATO's future conventional defense strategy in Central Europe : theater employment doctrine for the post-Cold War era / 1
UA646.3 .K853 1992 NATO military strategy for the post-Cold War era : issues and options / 1
UA646.3 .L3 1991 The Europeanization of the Alliance / 1
UA646.3 .L3 2019eb The Europeanization of the Alliance / 1
UA646.3 .L32 1990 The USSR and the western alliance / 1
UA646.3 .L34497 2002eb Asymmetries of conflict : war without death / 1
UA646.3 .L345 1991 Halt! Who goes where? : the future of NATO in the new Europe / 2
UA646.3 .L36 The Soviet threat to NATO's northern flank / 1
UA646.3 .L52 1968 Problemy integracji wojskowej na zachodzie / 1
UA646.3 .L56 2007 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization : the enduring alliance /
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization the enduring alliance /
UA646.3 .L56 2023 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization : the enduring alliance / 1
UA646.3 .L83 1983 Burden-sharing in NATO / 1
UA646.3 .M226 2004 Redefining transatlantic security relations : the challenge of change / 1
UA646.3 .M23 The Atlantic Alliance: its origin and its future / 1
UA646.3 .M243 1983 U.S. ground forces and the defense of Central Europe / 2
UA646.3 .M244 1995 Securing command of the sea : NATO naval planning, 1948-1954 / 1
UA646.3 .M28 2002 NATO in the beholder's eye : Soviet perceptions and policies, 1949-56 / 1