Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA770 .U74 2003 From adversaries to partners? : Chinese and Russian military cooperation after the Cold War / 1
UA770 .U74 2003eb From adversaries to partners? : Chinese and Russian military cooperation after the Cold War / 1
UA770 .V361 1990 The role of Shevardnadze and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the making of Soviet defense and arms control policy / 1
UA770 .V5492 1990 Soldiers in the proletarian dictatorship : the Red Army and the Soviet socialist state, 1917-1930 / 1
UA770 .V6 The Red army today : speeches delivered at the eighteenth congress of the C.P.S.U. (B.), March 10-21, 1939. 1
UA770 .V6 1939 The Red army today : speeches delivered at the eighteenth congress of the C.P.S.U. (B.), March 10-21, 1939. 1
UA770 .V67 1989 The Voroshilov lectures : materials from the Soviet General Staff Academy / 1
UA770 .W27 1977 The military in contemporary Soviet politics : an institutional analysis / 2
UA770 .W433 Siberian development and East Asia : threat or promise? / 2
UA770 .W5 Soviet strategy at the crossroads / 1
UA770 .W515 Sowjetische Militärstrategie / 1
UA770 .W66 1986 National security issues of the USSR / 1
UA770 .Z346 1993 Target America : the Soviet Union and the strategic arms race, 1945-1964 / 2
UA770 .Z54 1993 Engaging the enemy : organization theory and Soviet military innovation, 1955-1991 / 1
UA770.Z54 1993 Engaging the Enemy : Organization Theory and Soviet Military Innovation, 1955-1991. 2
UA770 .Z54 1993eb Engaging the enemy organization theory and Soviet military innovation, 1955-1991 / 1
UA771 .K6 Sovetska︠i︡a armi︠i︡a na strazhe mira i bezopasnosti. 1
UA772 Mutiny amid repression : Russiansoldiers in the Revolution of 1905-1906 /
The Soviet High Command : a military-political history, 1918-1941 /
Rethinking the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5 : Volume 1: Centennial Perspectives.
UA772 .A8185 1983 Armi︠i︡a i komsomol / 1
UA772 .A9513 1983 The party and the army in the Soviet Union / 1