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Asian security handbook : an assessment of political-security issues in the Asia-Pacific region / |
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Asian security handbook terrorism and the new security environment / |
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Asian Security Handbook : Terrorism and the New Security Environment. |
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Asian security issues : national systems and international relations / |
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Asian security issues : regional and global / |
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UA830 .A85 2020
Asia-Pacific regional security assessment 2020 : key developments and trends / |
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UA830 .A8553 2003
Asian security order : instrumental and normative features / |
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UA830 .A856 1998
Asian security practice : material and ideational influences / |
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UA830 .A856 1998eb
Asian security practice : material and ideational influences / |
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UA830 .A8564 2006
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UA830 .A8636 1997
Asia-Pacific security : the economics-politics nexus / |
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UA830 .B35 1986
The Balance of power in East Asia / |
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UA830 .B353 1993
Security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region / |
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UA830 .B63 1999
Fire in the East : the rise of Asian military power and the second nuclear age / |
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UA830 .B76 2004
Broadening Asia's security discourse and agenda : political, social, and environmental perspectives / |
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UA830 .B86 1986
South Asian insecurity and the great powers / |
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UA830 .C37 2007
The Asia-Pacific security lexicon / |
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UA830 .C628 2010eb
Arming without aiming : India's military modernization / |
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UA830 .C66 1992
Conference of Research Institutes in Asia and the Pacific : a guide to the discussions in (23-25 March 1992) : proceedings of the Beijing Conference / |
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