Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA853.K5 K553 2017 Security Policy Dynamics : Effects of Contextual Determinants to South Korea / 1
UA853.K5 K56 2018 Origins of the North Korean Garrison State : the People's Army and the Korean War / 1
UA853.K5 M53 2010eb North Korea's military-diplomatic campaigns, 1966-2008 1
UA853 .K5654 2005 The North Korean People's Army : origins and current tactics / 1
UA853.K6 A742 1993 Asian flashpoint : security and the Korean peninsula / 1
UA853.K6 B47 1998 North Korean special forces / 1
UA853.K6 B55 2005 Divided Korea : toward a culture of reconciliation / 1
UA853.K6B55 2005 Divided Korea : Toward a Culture of Reconciliation. 2
UA853.K6 D44 Defense white paper. 2
UA853.K6 D47 1989 Strategic partners : South Korea and the United States / 1
UA853.K6 F88 1989 The Future of South Korean-U.S. security relations / 1
UA853.K6 F88 2019eb The future of South Korean-U.S. security relations / 1
UA853.K6 H25 1999 Arming the two Koreas : state, capital, and military power / 1
UA853.K6 H25 1999eb Arming the two Koreas : state, capital and military power / 2
UA853.K6 H37 1990 Pacific powderkeg : American nuclear dilemmas in Korea / 1
UA853.K6 H37 1991 Pacific powderkeg : American nuclear dilemmas in Korea / 1
UA853.K6 K55 2001 Security policy dynamics : effects of contextual determinants to South Korea / 1
UA853.K6 L48 1999 The shape of Korea's future : South Korean attitudes toward unification and long-term security issues / 1
UA853.K6 L48 1999eb The shape of Korea's future : South Korean attitudes toward unification and long-term security issues / 1
UA853.K6.L48 1999eb Shape of South Korea's Future : Korean Attitudes Toward Unification and Long-Term Security. 1