Call Number (LC) Title Results
UB325.E85 A25 2021 Garibaldi's radical legacy : traditions of war volunteering in Southern Europe (1861-1945) / 1
UB325.F8 M35 2016 Days of glory? : imaging military recruitment and the French Revolution / 1
UB325.G3 Germany's new security demographics : military recruitment in the era of population aging / 1
UB325.G4 F74 2001 Die kasernierte Nation : Militärdienst und Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland / 1
UB325.G7 Identity, motivation and memory : the role of history in the British and German forces /
Irish officers in the British forces, 1922-45 /
UB325.G7 D55 1856i Recruiting in the United States 1
UB325.G7 H39 2017 The Yeomanry Cavalry and military identities in rural Britain, 1815-1914 / 2
UB325.G7 K39 2019 Identity, motivation and memory : the role of history in the British and German forces / 1
UB325.G7 O46 2014 Irish officers in the British forces, 1922-45 / 1
UB325.G7 O57 1982 The voluntary recruiting movement in Britain, 1914-1916 / 1
UB325.S36 1645 At Stirling the 12. of June 1645
At Edinburgh the 13 of March 1645
UB325.S65 R85 1991 The end of a monolith : the politics of military reform in the Soviet Armed Forces / 1
UB325.S8 L45 2020 Soldados de Franco reclutamiento forzoso, experiencia de guerra y desmovilizacion militar / 1
UB333 .A5 1943 Causes of rejection and incidence of defects : local board examinations of Selective Service registrants in peacetime : an analysis of reports of physical examination from 21 selected states / 1
UB333 .E95 2004 Expanding enlisted lateral entry : options and feasibility / 1
UB333 .M48 2002 Methods and actions for improving performance of the Department of Defense disability evaluation system / 1
UB333 .M55 2002 Military recruiting and retention after the fiscal year 2000 military pay legislation / 1
UB333 .N382 2006eb Assessing fitness for military enlistment : physical, medical, and mental health standards / 1
UB333 .U55 1918i Standards of physical examination for the use of local boards, district boards, and medical advisory boards under the selective-service regulations prescribed by the President under the authority vested in him by the terms of the selective service law / 1
UB335.G7 The British Army, Manpower and Society into the Twenty-first Century. 1