Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCB6/42.10/59/INTERNET Radiocarbon date list XI radiocarbon dates from marine sediment cores of the Iceland, Greenland, and Northeast Canadian Arctic Shelves and Nares Strait / 1
UCB6/42.10/60/INTERNET Firn stratigraphy and temperature to 10 m. depth in the percolation zone of western Greenland, 2007-2009 1
UCB6/42.12/ Arctic and alpine research.
Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research.
UCB6/42.12/vol/no Arctic and alpine research. 1
UCB6/42.2/AN7/2001 50th anniversary : the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 1951-2001 / 1
UCB6/42.2/AN7/2001/INTERNET 50th anniversary the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 1951-2001 / 1
UCB6/42.2/IN7/2010/INTERNET INSTAAR, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. 1
UCB6/42.2/R31/2000 A research station with an altitude : a history of the Mountain Research Station / Jean Matthews Kindig. 1
UCB6/42.2/SC3/1990 Arctic system science : advancing the scientific basis for predicting global change. 1
UCB6/42.2/SC3/1991 Arctic system science : land/atmosphere/ice interactions : a plan for action / 1
UCB6/42.2/SE4/2004/INTERNET 2003 INSTAAR self study 1
UCB6/43.1/ Annual report / 1
UCB6/43.1/INTERNET Annual report 1
UCB6/43.1/year Annual report / 1
UCB6/44.10/89-9 Interregional elderly migration and population redistribution in four industrialized countries : a comparative analysis / 1
UCB6/44.11/4 Drought hazard in the United States : a research assessment / 1
UCB6/44.11/5 Earthquake and tsunami hazards in the United States : a research assessment / 1
UCB6/44.11/6 Flood hazard in the United States : a research assessment / 1
UCB6/44.11/7 Hurricane hazard in the United States a research assessment / 1