Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCB6/57.13/Year-Yr. A Selected annotated bibliography of recent ... natural hazards publications / 1
UCB6/57.14/1 Population and housing in the special studies zones / 1
UCB6/57.14/1/INTERNET Population and housing in the special studies zones 1
UCB6/57.14/2 Regulation of flood hazard areas to reduce flood losses, volume 3 / 1
UCB6/57.14/2/INTERNET Regulation of flood hazard areas to reduce flood losses, volume 3 1
UCB6/57.14/3 Strengthening state floodplain management : appendix A [to] Regulation of flood hazard areas to reduce flood looses, volume 3 / 1
UCB6/57.14/3/INTERNET Strengthening state floodplain management : appendix A [to] Regulation of flood hazard areas to reduce flood looses, volume 3 / 1
UCB6/57.14/4 Innovation in local floodplain management : a summary of community experience / 1
UCB6/57.14/4/INTERNET Innovation in local floodplain management : a summary of community experience / 1
UCB6/57.14/5 Floodplain regulations and the courts, 1970-1981 / by Jon A. Kusler ; prepared for the U.S. Water Resources Council and the Tennessee Valley Authority. 1
UCB6/57.14/5/INTERNET Floodplain regulations and the courts, 1970-1981 / 1
UCB6/57.14/6 The human environment : penultimate problems of survival / 1
UCB6/57.14/7 Preventing coastal flood disasters : the role of the states and federal response, Ocean City, Maryland, May 23-25, 1983 : proceedings of a symposium / 1
UCB6/57.14/7/INTERNET Preventing coastal flood disasters : the role of the states and federal response : proceedings of a symposium. 1
UCB6/57.14/8 Addresses, topics of interest, and geographic distribution of professors working on landslides in the United States / 1
UCB6/57.14/9 Improving the effectiveness of floodplain management in western state high-risk areas; alluvial fans, mudflows, mud floods : proceedings of a workshop conducted February 15 & 16, 1984 in Palm Springs, California / 1
UCB6/57.14/10 Evaluating the effectiveness of floodplain management techniques and community programs : proceedings of a seminar conducted April 30-May 1, 1984 / 1
UCB6/57.14/11 Managing high risk flood areas : 1985 and beyond : proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Association of State Floodplain Managers, June 11-14, 1984, Portland, Maine / 1
UCB6/57.14/12 Flood hazard management in government and the private sector : proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Association of State Floodplain Managers, April 29-May 3, 1985, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1
UCB6/57.14/13 State and community during the aftermath of Mexico City's November 19, 1984 gas explosion. 1