Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCD4/10.2/ED8/1992/2 Education for freedom. 1
UCD4/10.2/ED8/1992/3 Unfinished business : the grassroots struggle to reform Colorado's public schools / 1
UCD4/10.2/ED8/1992/INTERNET Education for freedom. 1
UCD4/10.2/ES8/2009/INTERNET Establishing data systems and using data for improvement 1
UCD4/10.2/F52/2011/INTERNET Colorado's fiscal future we'll get what we pay for : a report from the Buechner Institute for Governance School of Public Affairs / 1
UCD4/10.2/F84/2013/INTERNET A summary report of perceptions of the politics and regulation of hydraulic fracturing in Colorado / 1
UCD4/10.2/F84/2014/INTERNET Automated analysis of news articles on hydraulic fracturing in Colorado, New York, and Pennsylvania / 1
UCD4/10.2/F84/2015/INTERNET A summary report of a 2015 survey of the politics of oil and gas development using hydraulic fracturing in Colorado / 1
UCD4/10.2/F84/2016/INTERNET A summary report of a 2016 survey of the politics of oil and gas development using hydraulic fracturing in the United States / 1
UCD4/10.2/F96/2009/2/INTERNET Student-centered funding and its implications for Colorado a primer for policy makers / 1
UCD4/10.2/F96/2009/INTERNET Student-centered funding and its implications for Colorado a primer for policy makers. 1
UCD4/10.2/G21/2015/INTERNET A summary report of Colorado's local-level oil and gas political activity, 1973-2015 / 1
UCD4/10.2/H75/2007/INTERNET Colorado statewide homeless count winter 2007 1
UCD4/10.2/IM7/2009/2/INTERNET Teacher identifiers and improving education practice experiences in Colorado and the nation. 1
UCD4/10.2/IM7/2009/INTERNET Teacher identifiers and improving education practice experiences in Colorado and the nation. / 1
UCD4/10.2/IN7/2014/INTERNET Inspectors in the U.S. organic food industry : characteristics, roles, and experiences summary report / 1
UCD4/10.2/L47/2009/INTERNET Leaving children behind : how Colorado's Fiscal policies hurt our most vulnerable citizens / 1
UCD4/10.2/L62/2006/INTERNET Shining the light : the state of teaching in Colorado / 1
UCD4/10.2/N42/2014/INTERNET A summary report of the politics of shale gas development and high-volume hydraulic fracturing in New York / 1
UCD4/10.2/P37/1997 Old age pension program final report. 1