Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCSU20/6.22/2.503/1992/INTERNET Practical feeding methods for small poultry flocks / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.503/1995/INTERNET Dwarf mistletoe management / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.503/INTERNET Practical feeding methods for small poultry flocks 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.504 Home mixing of poultry feeds / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.504/INTERNET Home mixing of poultry feeds 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.506 Ailments of turkeys and other fowl / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.506/2018/INTERNET Ailments of chickens / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.506/INTERNET Ailments of turkeys and other fowl 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.507 Raising poultry the organic way : disease control and feeding / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.507/INTERNET Raising poultry the organic way disease control and feeding / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.508/INTERNET Raising poultry the organic way management and production / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.509 Brooding and rearing chicks for the family flock / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.509/INTERNET Brooding and rearing chicks for the family flock 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.510 Keeping layers for the family egg supply / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.510/INTERNET Keeping layers for the family egg supply 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.511 Constructing a colony cage for layers / 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.511/INTERNET Constructing a colony cage for layers 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.512/INTERNET Sanitation and disease prevention for poultry 1
UCSU20/6.22/2.800 Backyard orchard management : insect and disease spray guide / 1