Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCSU20/6.22/4.713/1992/INTERNET Applying pesticides with center-pivot irrigation / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.713/1998/INTERNET Applying pesticides with center-pivot irrigation / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.713/2002/INTERNET Applying pesticides with center-pivot irrigation 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.713/INTERNET Applying pesticides through center-pivot irrigation systems 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.714 Home sprinkler systems : backflow prevention devices / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.714/2009/INTERNET Home sprinkler systems backflow prevention devices / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.714/INTERNET Home sprinkler systems backflow prevention devices / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.715 Crop water use (ET) and critical growth stages / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.715/2005/INTERNET Crop water use and critical growth stages 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.715/2009/INTERNET Crop water use and growth stages 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.715/INTERNET Crop water use (ET) and critical growth stages 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.716/2003/INTERNET Subsurface drip, SDI 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.716/2009/INTERNET Subsurface drip irrigation, SDI 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.717/2002 Glossary of water terminology / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.717/2004/INTERNET Glossary of water terminology 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.717/2008/INTERNET Glossary of water terminology 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.717/2012/INTERNET Glossary of water terminology 2
UCSU20/6.22/4.718/2003 Seasonal water needs and opportunities for limited irrigation for Colorado crops / 1
UCSU20/6.22/4.718/2003/INTERNET Seasonal water needs and opportunities for limited irrigation for Colorado crops 1