Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCSU6/14.10/163 Fate and effects of heavy metals on the Arkansas River / 1
UCSU6/14.10/163/INTERNET Fate and effects of heavy metals on the Arkansas River 1
UCSU6/14.10/164 Forecasting streamflow for Colorado River systems / 1
UCSU6/14.10/164/INTERNET Forecasting streamflow for Colorado River systems 1
UCSU6/14.10/165 Estimation of groundwater recharge using neutron probe moisture readings near Golden, Colorado / 1
UCSU6/14.10/165/INTERNET Estimation of groundwater recharge using neutron probe moisture readings near Golden, Colorado 1
UCSU6/14.10/166 Mutual irrigation company monitoring of main canal nitrogen levels : a case study on the role of mutual irrigation companies in water quality management / 1
UCSU6/14.10/166/INTERNET Mutual irrigation company monitoring of main canal nitrogen levels a case study on the role of mutual irrigation companies in water quality management / 1
UCSU6/14.10/167 Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by brown trout (Salmo Trutta) in the Arkansas River : importance of food chain transfer / 1
UCSU6/14.10/167/INTERNET Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the Arkansas River importance of food chain transfer / 1
UCSU6/14.10/168 Fate of heavy metals in Colorado waters and rivers / 1
UCSU6/14.10/168/INTERNET Fate of heavy metals in Colorado waters and rivers 1
UCSU6/14.10/169 Field verification of stream-aquifer interactions : Colorado School of Mines survey field, Golden, Colorado / 1
UCSU6/14.10/169/INTERNET Field verification of stream-aquifer interactions Colorado School of Mines survey field, Golden, Colorado / 1
UCSU6/14.10/170 An approach to modeling a stream aquifer system for conjunctive management / 1
UCSU6/14.10/170/INTERNET An approach to modeling a stream aquifer system for conjunctive management 1
UCSU6/14.10/171 Economic impacts of agriculture-to-urban water transfers : a case study of Crowley County, Colorado / 1
UCSU6/14.10/171/INTERNET Economic impacts of agriculture-to-urban water transfers a case study of Crowley County, Colorado / 1
UCSU6/14.10/175 Economic factors affecting residential water demand in Colorado / 1
UCSU6/14.10/175/INTERNET Economic factors affecting residential water demand in Colorado 1