Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCSU6/3.11/INTERNET Equine reproduction laboratory 1
UCSU6/3.12/INTERNET Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory 1
UCSU6/3.2/SE9/2012 Sex, science, and survival in academe : a history of the Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory at Colorado State University / 1
UCSU6/4.12/ Animal Tumor Center news / 1
UCSU6/4.12/year/season Animal Tumor Center news / 1
UCSU6/10.10/83-3/INTERNET Use of the Palmer index and other water supply indexes for drought monitoring in Colorado 1
UCSU6/10.10/84-4/INTERNET Analysis of Colorado average annual precipitation for the 1951-1980 period 1
UCSU6/10.10/89-2 Colorado temperatures : with degree day and growing season data / 1
UCSU6/10.10/91-3/INTERNET Development of a surface water supply index for the Western United States final report / 1
UCSU6/10.10/94-2/INTERNET Colorado climate summary, water-year series. 1
UCSU6/10.10/97-1/INTERNET Colorado extreme storm precipitation data study final report : summary of accomplishments and work performed February 15, 1995 through October 31, 1996 / 1
UCSU6/10.10/98-1/INTERNET An analysis of rainfall for the July 28, 1997 flood in Fort Collins, Colorado 1
UCSU6/10.10/98-3/INTERNET A post-evaluation of rainfall reports associated with the Pawnee Creek flood of July 29-30, 1997 in eastern Weld and western Logan counties in northeast Colorado 1
UCSU6/10.10/99-1/INTERNET Historical dry and wet periods in Colorado 1