Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
UCSU6/52.2/R58/2014/INTERNET | National Wetland Inventory mapping for the Colorado portion of the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R59/2006/INTERNET | Vegetation index of biotic integrity for southern Rocky Mountain fens, wet meadows, and riparian shrublands phase 1, final report / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R65/2014/INTERNET | Recommended best management practices for Rollins' twinpod (Physaria rollinsii) : practices developed to reduce the impacts of road maintenance activities to plants of concern / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R75/1996/2/INTERNET | Routt National Forest riparian vegetation classification | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R75/1996/INTERNET | A natural heritage assessment of wetlands and riparian areas in Routt County, Colorado | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R75/2012/INTERNET | Revisit and condition assessment of targeted riparian areas on the Routt National Forest | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R76/2017/INTERNET | Recommended best management practices for Round-leaf Four o'clock (oxybaphus rotundifolius) : practices to reduce the impacts of road maintenance activities to plants of concern / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R87/2004/INTERNET | Potentilla rupincola Osterhout (rock cinquefoil) a technical conservation assessment / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/R97/2006/INTERNET | Festuca campestris Rydberg (rough fescue) a technical conservation assessment / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SA1/1998/INTERNET | Saguache County, closed basin biological inventory | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SA5/2000/INTERNET | A natural heritage assessment San Miguel and western Montrose counties, Colorado / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SA5/2002/INTERNET | Rare plant survey, San Juan National Forest | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SC7/2000/INTERNET | Natural heritage inventory of Schriever Air Force Base, El Paso County, Colorado | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SC7/2017/INTERNET | Noxious weed survey and integrated noxious weed management plan Schriever Air Force Base, El Paso County, CO / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SE2/2004/INTERNET | Gilia sedifolia Brandeg. (stonecrop gilia) a technical conservation assessment / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SH7/2003/INTERNET | Programmatic biological assessment, conference report, and conservation strategy for impacts from transportation improvement projects on select sensitive species on Colorado's central shortgrass prairie | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SO8/2018/INTERNET | Common wetland plants of Colorado's southern Rocky Mountains : a pocket guide / | 1 |
UCSU6/52.2/SP3/1999/INTERNET | 1999 species report card the state of Colorado's plants and animals / | 1 |
Species tracking lists CNHP conservation status handbook, tracking lists |
2 |
UCSU6/52.2/ST2/1999/INTERNET | Staunton State Park biological inventory | 1 |