Call Number (LC) Title Results
UD395.M2 M34 1984 The M16 controversies : military organizations and weapons acquisition / 1
UD395.M2 U485 1968a M-16 rifle procurement program : report, Ninetieth Congress, second session. 1
UD395.M2 U55 Selected aspects of M-16 rifle program contracts / 1
UD400 (INTERNET) A warre-like treatise of the pike, or, Some experimentall resolves, for lessening the number, and disabling the use of the pike in warre with the praise of the musquet and halfe-pike, as also the testimony of Brancatio, concerning the disability of the pike / 1
UD455.G7 W55 2017 The British Army Regular Mounted Infantry 1880-1913
The British Army Regular Mounted Infantry 1880-1913 /
UD463 .M6 1947 Mountain operations. 1
UD463 .M6 1959 Mountain operations / 1
UD465.F8 A5 1950 Instruction sur la vie en montagne : à l'usage des troupes de toutes armes, approvée le 9 mars 1949. 1
UD480 .W4 1958 The story of the paratroops / 1
UD483 Enhanced Army airborne forces a new joint operational capability / 1
UD483 .F58 1997 The Rakkasans : the combat history of the 187th Airborne Infantry / 2
UD483 .G67 2014 Enhanced Army Airborne Forces : a new joint operational capability / 1
UD483 .M37 1997 Analytic support to the Defense Science Board : tactics and technology for 21st century military superiority / 1
UD483 .R37 1996 Rapid force projection : exploring new technology concepts for light airborne forces / 1
UD483 .R372 2000 Rapid force projection technologies : assessing the performance of advanced ground sensors / 1
UD485.F7 S56 1997 The paratroopers of the French Foreign Legion : from Vietnam to Bosnia / 1
UD485.G3 G66 2012 The German Fallschirmtruppe, 1936-41 : its genesis and employment in the first campaigns of the Wehrmacht / 1
UD485.G7 B83 2005 Paras : the birth of British airborne forces from Churchill's raiders to 1st Parachute Brigade / 1
UD485.G7 S658 1992 The history of the Glider Pilot Regiment / 1