Call Number (LC) Title Results
UF535.G3 P49 2009 Missiles for the fatherland : Peenemünde, national socialism, and the V-2 missile / 1
UF535.G3 T46 Geschichte der deutschen Wehr- und Rüstungswirtschaft <1918-1943/45> / 1
UF535.G3 W43 1996 The Peenemünde wind tunnels : a memoir / 2
UF535.G3 W65 1985 German-Saudi Arabian arms deals 1936-1939 and 1981-1985 : with an essay on West Germany's Jews / 1
UF535.G7 A58 1978 Arms and the wizard : Lloyd George and the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1916 / 1
UF535.G7 A6 The manufacture of munitions / 1
UF535.G7 B7 1916 Britain transformed. 1
UF535.G7 E9 1916a Doing their bit : war work at home / 1
UF535.G7 H36 1970 The challenge of war : Britain's scientific and engineering contributions to World War Two. 1
UF535.G7 M6 The means of victory : a speech / 1
UF535.G7 T39 1989 The UK defence industrial base : development and future policy options / 1
UF535.I65 K455 1993 Gunpowder to guided missiles : Ireland's war industries / 1
UF535.I7 B35 1986 Israel and Latin America : the military connection / 2
UF535.I7 B46 1992 Profits of war : inside the secret U.S.-Israeli arms network / 2
UF535.I7 K55 1985 Israel's global reach : arms sales as diplomacy / 1
UF535.I7 R44 1989 The Israeli arms industry : foreign policy, arms transfers, and military doctrine of a small state / 1
UF535.J3 Arms production in Japan : the military applications of civilian technology / 1
UF535.J3 K68 Nihon gunji kōgyō no shiteki bunseki : Nihon shihon shugi no hattenkōzō to no kankei ni oite / 1
UF535.J3 U33 1990 Teppō denrai : heiki ga kataru kinsei no tanjō / 1
UF535.S65 S68 1986 The Soviet weapons industry : an overview. 1