Call Number (LC) Title Results
UF767 .S35 Missile madness / 1
UF767 .S38 1964 Proceedings. 1
UF767 .S5 1946 Atomic energy for military purposes : the official report on the development of the atomic bomb under the auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945 / 1
UF767 .S52 A general account of the development of methods of using atomic energy for military purposes under the auspices of the United States government, 1940-1945 / 1
UF767 .S78 1977 Weapons of mass destruction and the environment / 2
UF767 .S8 Secret. 1
UF767 .S86 1984 Atomkriegsfolgen : Bericht des Office of Technology Assessment / 1
UF767 .S93 The Superpowers in a multinuclear world / 1
UF767 .T4 The legacy of Hiroshima / 1
UF767 .T6 To avoid catastrophe : a study in future nuclear weapons policy / 2
UF767 .U38 2018 The unfinished atomic bomb : shadows and reflections / 1
UF767 .U48 1957a Radioactive contamination of certain areas in the Pacific Ocean from nuclear tests : a summary of the data from the radiological surveys and medical examinations. 1
UF767 U4813 1959a Radioactive fallout data : collected from eleven Atomic Energy Commission installations, for 1958 / 1
UF767 .U513X 1959 Nuclear explosions in space. : Report of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session / 1
UF767 .U52 1950c The hydrogen bomb and international control : technical and background information. 1
UF767 .U52 1957a Summary-analysis of hearings : May 27-29 and June 3-7, 1957, on the nature of radioactive fallout and its effects on man. 1
UF767 .U52 1959 Fallout from nuclear weapons tests : summary-analysis of hearings, May 5-8, 1959. 1
UF767 .U52 1977a Nuclear proliferation and safeguards / 1
UF767 .U52 1979a The effects of nuclear war / 1
UF767 .U52 1980 The effects of nuclear war / 1