Call Number (LC) Title Results
UG446.5 .U54x German tank maintenance in World War II. 1
UG446.5 .U63 1988 Bradley vehicle : status of transmission's reliability : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1
UG446.5 .W443 1968 German tanks & armored vehicles, 1914-1945 / 1
UG446.5 .W75 2002 Tank : the progress of a monstrous war machine / 2
UG447 Review and Evaluation of Alternative Technologies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons.
Demilitarisation of Munitions : Reuse and Recycling Concepts for Conventional Munitions and Rocket Propellants /
Review of Mass Spectrometry and Bioremediation Programs of the Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center.
Behind the gas mask : the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service in war and peace /
Effects of the deletion of chemical agent washout on operations at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant /
Effects of Chemical Warfare : A Selective Review and Bibliography of British State Papers /
Detoxification of chemical warfare agents : from WWI to multifunctional nanocomposite approaches /
Technical Assessment of the Man-in-Simulant Test Program.
Chemical weapons : destruction and conversion /
Advances in Applied Microbiology (Vol. 66)
Scientific Advances in Alternative Demilitarization Technologies /
The poisonous cloud : chemical warfare in the First World War /
Handbook of chemical and biological warfare agents.
Closure and Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System.
Alternative Technologies for the Destruction of Chemical Agents and Munitions.
Neuroscience and the future of chemical-biological weapons /
Nerve agents in postwar Britain deterrence, publicity and disarmament, 1945-1976 /
Sensing of deadly toxic chemical warfare agents, nerve agent simulants, and their toxicological aspects /
Review criteria for successful treatment of hydrolysate at the Pueblo chemical agent destruction pilot plant /
UG447 .A182 Chemical and biological defense : DOD's evaluation of improved garment materials : report to the Honorable Rick Santorum, U.S. Senate / 1
UG447 .A2115 Operation Desert Storm : DOD met need for chemical suits and masks, but longer term actions needed : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / 1
UG447 .A22 Chemical weapons disposal 1
UG447 .A33 1990 Chemical warfare, chemical disarmament / 1
UG447.A33 U55 1990 Agent orange studies : poor contracting practices at Centers for Disease Control increased costs : briefing report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1
UG447 .A37 1998 Air Force operations in a chemical and biological environment / 1
UG447 .A47 1999 Air monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts /
Air monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents II 21-22 September, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts /
Air monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts /
UG447 .A48 1999 Air monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents II : 21-22 September, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
UG447 .A76 2009 Assessment of explosive destruction technologies for specific munitions at the Blue Grass and Pueblo chemical agent destruction pilot plants / 1
UG447 .A76 2009eb Assessment of explosive destruction technologies for specific munitions at the Blue Grass and Pueblo chemical agent destruction pilot plants / 1
UG447 .A77 2011eb Assessment of approaches for using process safety metrics at the Blue Grass and Pueblo chemical agent destruction pilot plants / 1
UG447|b.W33 Gas warfare : the chemical weapon, its use, and protection against it / 1
UG447 .B56 1999 The biological & chemical warfare threat. 1
UG447 .B73 Chemical warfare; a study in restraints / 1
UG447 .B769 1967 United States chemical warfare policy, 1919-1945 : A study of restraints. 1