Call Number (LC) Title Results
UNEP(05)/ N6 UNEP North America news. 1
UNEP(05)/ Oz7 The ozone layer /
Environmental assessment of ozone layer depletion and its impact as of ... /
UNEP(05)/ Oz9 OzonAction : the newsletter dedicated to ozone protection and the implementation of the Montreal Protocol. 1
UNEP(05)/ O8 Our planet : the magazine of the United Nations Environment Programme. 1
UNEP(05)/ P65p no.1 2009 From conflict to peacebuilding : the role of natural resources and the environment / 1
UNEP(05)/ P65p no.4 2013 Women and natural resources : unlocking the peacebuilding potential. 1
UNEP(05) P7 no.1 1981 The ecology and utilization of African inland waters / 1
UNEP(05)/ P7 no.2 1981 Biogas fertilizer system : technical report on a training seminar in China. 1
UNEP(05)/ R25s no.4 1982 Selected multilateral treaties in the field of the environment / 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 UNEP report. 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.1 Tropical woodland and forest ecosystems : a review / 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.2 The Major problems of man and environment interactions in mountain ecosystems : a review. 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.3 Islands ecosystems : a review / 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.4 Coastal ecosystems : a review / 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.5 Genetic resources : an overview. 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.6 Wildlife and protected areas : an overview / 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.8 Technical assistance : a summary of UNEP activities. 1
UNEP(05)/ R27 1980 no.9 Environmental training : an overview / 1
UNEP(05)/ R27ps no.3 1982 Combating desertification in China : a report on a seminar / 1
UNEP(05)/ R27ps no.5 1982 Basic needs in the Arab region, environmental aspects, technologies, and policies : report and background papers of an expert workshop / 1