UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.169 1999
Assessment of land-based sources and activities affecting the marine, coastal and associated freshwater environment in the South-East Pacific / |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.171 1999
Overview of land-based sources and activities affecting the marine, coastal and associated freshwater environment in the West and Central African region / |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.172 1999
Assessment of land-based sources and activities affecting the marine, coastal and associated freshwater environment in the wider Caribbean region / |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.173 2000
Overview on land-based sources and activities affecting the marine environment in the East Asian Seas / |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.174 2000
Overview on land-based pollutant sources and activities affecting the marine, coastal, and freshwater environment in the Pacific Islands Region. |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.175 2001
Ecosystem-based management of fisheries : opportunities and challenges for coordination between marine regional fishery bodies and regional seas conventions / |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.177 2004
Review of small cetaceans : distribution, behaviour, migration and threats / |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.180 2006
Financing the implementation of regional seas conventiones and action plans : a guide for national action / |
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UNEP(05)/ R44sr no.184 2007
Deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystems : a scoping report on their socio-economy, management and governance / |
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UNEP(05)/ R7 no.1
Directory of institutions and individuals active in environmentally-sound and appropriate technologies. |
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UNEP(05)/ R7 no.2
An Environmental bibliography : publications issued by UNEP or under its auspices, 1973-1980. |
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UNEP(05)/ Sa7
UNEP Sasakawa environment prize. |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.4 1991
Tanneries and the environment : a technical guide to reducing the environmental impact of tannery operations. |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.5 1991
Environmental aspects of selected non-ferrous metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Au) ore mining : a technical guide / |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.6 1991
Companies' organization and public communication on environmental issues. |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.7 1991
Audit and reduction manual for industrial emissions and wastes. |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.11 1992
From regulations to industry compliance : building institutional capabilities / |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.12 1992
Hazard identification and evaluation in a local community. |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.13 1992
Guidelines, development of national parks and protected areas for tourism / |
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UNEP(05)/ T26 no.15 1993
Environmental management of nickel production : a technical guide. |
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