Call Number (LC) Title Results
UNIDIR(02)/ Sm3al 2008 Small arms and light weapons : selected United Nations documents. 1
UNIDIR(05)/ B75 UNIDIR brief / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ D57 Disarmament forum. 1
UNIDIR(05)/ D57 2000/2 Small arms control : the need for coordination. 1
UNIDIR(05)/ N3 UNIDIR newsletter / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R37/982 Repertory of disarmament research. 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.8 1991 Esquisse pour un nouveau paysage européen / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.9 1991 The third review of the Biological Weapons Convention: issues and proposals / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.10 1991 Disarmament, environment, and development and their relevance to the least developed countries / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.11 1992 The implications of IAEA inspections under Security Council Resolution 687 / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.12 1992 Security Council Resolution 687 of 3 April 1991 in the Gulf affair : problems of restoring and safeguarding peace / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.14 1992 Ukraine's non-nuclear option / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.15 1992 Access to outer space technologies : implications for international security / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.16 1993 Regional security and confidence-building processes : the case of southern Africa in the 1990s / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.17 1993 Technical problems in the verification of a ban on space weapons / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.18 1993 Index to the Chemical weapons convention / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.26 1994 National security and defence policy of the Lithuanian State / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.33 1995 Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in Northeast Asia / 1
UNIDIR(05)/ R47 no.34 1995 Small arms and intra-state conflicts / 1
UNIDIR/ 82/1 Risks of unintentional nuclear war / 1