Call Number (LC) Title Results
V825 .F73 1999 The Buckley-class destroyer escorts / 1
V825.3 .A55 Destroyers in the United States Navy. 1
V825.3 .I56 2006 Impacts of the fleet response plan on surface combatant maintenance / 1
V825.3 .S27 1999 The yard : building a destroyer at the Bath Iron Works / 2
V825.3 .S43 1946 Sea power at bay : official U.S. Navy photograph from SEA. 1
V825.3 .Y37 2016 Extending depot length and intervals for DDG-51-class ships : examining the 72-month operational cycle / 1
V825.5.G7 C65 1999 The captain class frigates in the second world war : an operational history of the American-built Destroyer Escorts serving under the White Ensign from 1943-46 / 1
V825.5.G7 M3 The British destroyer. 1
V825.5.G7 R69 2002 The Royal Navy's new-generation Type 45 destroyer : acquisition options and implications / 1
V825.5.G74 R69 2002eb The Royal Navy's new-generation Type 45 destroyer : acquisition options and implications / 1
V826.5.G7 G373 2000 Frigates of the Napoleonic Wars / 1
V826.5.G7 P75 1996 The eyes of the fleet : a popular history of frigates and frigate captains, 1793-1815 / 2
V830 .H34 1917 The torpedoboat destroyer / 1
V833 .B3 1869eb Submarine warfare, offensive and defensive, including a discussion of the offensive torpedo system, its effects upon iron-clad ship systems, and influence upon future naval wars. 1
V833 .N45 1998 Hunters in the shallows : a history of the PT boat / 1
V835.G7 R53 1999 Mediterranean MTBs at war : short MTB flotilla operations, 1939-1945 / 1
V850 Torpedo 1
V850 .A35 Navy torpedo program MK-48 ADCAP propulsion system upgrade not needed : report to the Secretary of Defense / 1
V850 .E67 2014 Torpedo : Inventing the military-industrial complex in the United States and Great Britain / 1
V850 .E67 2014eb Torpedo : inventing the military-industrial complex in the United States and Great Britain / 1