Call Number (LC) Title Results
V858 .F75 1995 U.S. submarines through 1945 : an illustrated design history / 1
V858 .L4 The last cruise : the story of the sinking of the submarine, U.S.S. Cochino. 1
V858 .L48 2019eb Standing watch : American submarine veterans remember the Cold War era / 1
V858 .O77 2022 The atomic archipelago : US nuclear submarines and technopolitics of risk in Cold War Italy / 1
V858 .P63 2004 Cold War submarines : the design and construction of U.S. and Soviet submarines / 1
V858 .S73 1916 The submarine : an address delivered before the National Convention of the Navy League of the United States, Washington, D.C., April 10-13, 1916. 1
V858 .S87 2007 Sustaining U.S. nuclear submarine design capabilities / 1
V858 .S87 2007eb Sustaining U.S. nuclear submarine design capabilities /
Sustaining U.S. nuclear submarine design capabilities
V858 .S8712 2007 Sustaining U.S. nuclear submarine design capabilities : executive summary / John F. Schank ... [et al.] 1
V858 .U2 1994 The U.S. submarine production base : an analysis of cost, schedule, and risk for selected force structures / 1
V858 .U213 1994 The U.S. submarine production base : an analysis of cost, schedule, and risk for selected force structures : executive summary / 1
V858 .W46 1993  
V859 Count Not the Dead : the Popular Image of the German Submarine. 2
V859.A8 A85 2011 Australia's submarine design capabilities and capacities : challenges and options for the future submarine / 1
V859.A8 Y85 2008 The Collins class submarine story : steel, spies, and spin / 1
V859.A8 Y85 2008eb The Collins class submarine story : steel, spies, and spin / 1
V859.C6 C55 2007 China's future nuclear submarine force / 1
V859.C6 H68 2005eb China's rising sea power : the PLA Navy's submarine challence / 1
V859.C6 P45 1995 Qi jing shen long : Zhongguo he qian ting ji shi / 1
V859.C6 R39 2022 Tracing the undersea dragon : Chinese SSBN programme and the Indo-Pacific / 1