Call Number (LC) Title Results
V895 .T83 1993 The Jeffersonian gunboat navy / 1
V895 .U54 2013 U.S. Navy employment options for unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) / 1
V903.U5 A75 1916 Armor plant for the United States : hearings before the Committee on Naval Affairs United States on S. 1417, a bill to erect a factory for the manufacture of armor / 1
V925 .S8 1991 An exploration of integrated ground weapons concepts for armor/anti-armor missions / 1
V933 .L4373 2011eb Learning from experience 1
V977 G88 1941 The growing prosperity of the Soviet Union ; report / 1
V990 .A76 1991 Sea-launched cruise missiles and U.S. security / 1
V990 .Z765 1970 A comparative survey of certain organic and inorganic compounds of some sediments from oxic and anoxic baltic basins / 1
V993 .D34 1984 Trident / 2
V993 .K8 The Polaris missile strike : a general economic systems analysis / 1
V993 .M67 2002 Building the Trident network : a study of the enrollment of people, knowledge, and machines / 1
V993 .M67 2002eb Building the Trident network a study of the enrollment of people, knowledge, and machines / 1
V993 .S26 The Polaris system development : bureaucratic and programmatic success in government / 1
V993 .S65 1994 From Polaris to Trident : the development of US Fleet ballistic missile technology / 1
V993 .S65 1994eb From Polaris to Trident : the development of US Fleet ballistic missile technology / 1
V993 .U5 1988 Naval strategic forces : Trident II proceeding toward deployment : report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / 1
V993 .U54 1977 Status of the Trident submarine and missile programs : Department of the Navy : report to the Congress / 1
V995.G7 M38 1986 Trident : the only option? / 1
V4793 Symphonie no. 5, opus 47 ; Symphonie no. 8, opus 51 / 1
V4910.45 .E436 2021eb Trauma theory, trauma story : a narration of biblical studies and the world of trauma / 1