Call Number (LC) Title Results
VA458.M3 M335 1983 How we found the Mary Rose / 1
VA458.M3 M34 1974 King Henry VIII's Mary Rose. 1
VA458.M3 M369 2019 1545 : who sank the Mary Rose? / 1
VA458.M3 M37 2003 Sealed by time : the loss and recovery of the Mary Rose / 1
VA458.M3 M39 2009 Mary Rose : your noblest shippe : anatomy of a Tudor warship / 1
VA458.M3 S75 2000 Raising the dead : the skeleton crew of Henry VIII's great ship, the Mary Rose / 1
VA458.M32 U84 1983 The counter-Armada, 1596 : the Journall of the 'Mary Rose' / 1
VA458.N4 M37 2016 Nemesis : the first iron warship and her world / 1
VA458.S68 H49 1990 His Majesty's royal ship : a critical edition of Thomas Heywood's A true description of His Majesties royall ship / 1
VA458.V6 M36 1999 HMS Victory : her construction, career and restoration / 1
VA458.5.W66 F58 1989 The WRNS : a history of the Women's Royal Naval Service / 1
VA458.5.W66 M37 1992 Britannia's daughters : the story of the WRNS / 1
VA460.A1 C547 1688 The clerk of the rope-yard's weekly return, pursuant to the method and establishment made by the Navy-Board the 28th of March 1688. 1
VA460.A1 C62 1989 The royal dockyards, 1690-1850 : architecture and engineering works of the sailing Navy / 1
VA460.A1 H33 1994 A management odyssey : the Royal Dockyards, 1714-1914 / 1
VA460.A1 M67 1983 The royal dockyards during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars / 1
VA460.A1 M677 2020 Science, Utility and British Naval Technology, 1793-1815 : Samuel Bentham and the Royal Dockyards. 1
VA460.A1 S35 2021 Science, utility and British naval technology, 1793-1815 : Samuel Bentham and the royal dockyards / 1
VA460.C47 Chatham Dockyard, 1815-1865 the industrial transformation / 1
VA463 .S35 1693 England's safety: or, A bridle to the French king. Proposing a sure method for encouraging navigation, and raising qualified seamen for the well manning Their Majesties fleet on any occasion, in a months time, without impressing; and a competent provision for all such as shall be wounded in service against the enemy, either in Their Majesties ships of war, privatiers, or merchant-men, to encourage the better defending them. : Also an in-sight into the advantages may be made by the herring and other fisheries, in respect to the breeding of seamen, and otherwise. Together with a proposal for the maintenance and education of the male children of all such as shall be kill'd in service, both seamen and officers; and a provision for gentlemens younger sons, and the sons of commanders kill'd in the service, to qualifie them for the sea, in order to make officers. : Also encouragement for commanders of men of war, privatiers and seamen, in taking any ship, or effects of the enemies, and all to be done, without any sensible charge or burthen to the kingdom. / 1