Call Number (LC) Title Results
VK551 .D38 1633 The seamans secrets divided into two parts, wherein is taught the three kindes of sayling, horizontall, paradoxall, and sayling vpon a great circle : also an horizontall tyde-table for the easie finding of the ebbing and flowing of the tydes, with a regiment newly calculated for the finding of the declination of the sunne, and many other most necessary rules and instruments, not heeretofore set forth by any. 1
VK551 (INTERNET) The arte of nauigation conteyning a compendious description of the sphere, with the making of certayne instruments and rules for nauigations, and exemplifyed by many demonstrations. /
The seamans secrets deuided into 2. partes, wherein is taught the three kindes of sayling, horizontall, peradoxall [sic], and sayling vpon a great circle : also an horizontall tyde table for the easie finding of the ebbing and flowing of the tydes, with a regiment newly calculated for the finding of the declination of the sunne, and many other most necessary rules and instruments, not heeretofore set foorth by any /
Certain errors in navigation
An historical discourse of the first invention of navigation and the additional improvements of it with the probable causes of the variation of the compasse, and the variation of the variation : likewise, some reflections upon the name and office of admirall : to which is added a catalogue of those persons that have been from the first institution dignified with that office /
The safegarde of saylers, or, Great rutter Contayning the courses, distances, soundings, flouds and ebbes, with the marks for the entring of sundry harboroughs both of England, Fraunce, Spaine, Ireland, Flaunders, and the soundes of Denmarke, with other necessarie rules of common nauigation. /
The arte of nauigation wherein is contained all the rules, declarations, secretes, & aduises, which for good nauigation are necessarie & ought to be knowen and practised : and are very profitable for all kind of mariners /
The nauigators supply Conteining many things of principall importance belonging to nauigation, with the description and vse of diuerse instruments framed chiefly for that purpose ; but seruing also for sundry other of cosmography in generall : the particular instruments are specified on the next page.
VK551 .M46 1563a Regimiento de navegaciĆ³n (1563) / 1
VK551 .N54 The vvhole art of navigation in five books ... 1
VK551 .N63 1667 The sea-mans practice containing a fundmental probleme in navigation experimentally verified, namely, touching the compass of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measure : also an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning at sea ... : with certain tables and other rules useful in navigation ... / 2
VK551 .N63 1668 The sea-mans practice containing a fundmental probleme in navigation experimentally verified, namely, touching the compass of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measure : also an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning at sea ... : with certain tables and other rules useful in navigation ... / 1
VK551 .N63 1699 The sea-mans practice containing a fundmental problem in navigation experimentally verified, namely, touching the compass of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measures : also an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning or journal at sea ... : with certain tables and other rules used in navigation ... / 1
VK551 .N67 1664 The sea-mans practice contayning a fvndamentall probleme in navigation experimentally verified ... / 2
VK551.N67 1678 The sea-man's practice, containing a fundamental problem in navigation, experimentally verified : namely, touching the compass of the Earth and sea and the quantity of a degree in our English measures. Also, an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning at sea in any kind of manner of sailing. With certain tables and other rules useful in navigation : as also the plotting and surveying of places : the latitude of the principal places in England : the finding of currents at sea, and what allowances is to be given in respect of them / 1
VK551 .N67 1689 The sea-man's practice containing a fundamental problem in navigation experimentally verified: namely, touching the compass of the earth and ea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measures. Also an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning at sea in any kind of manner of sailing. With certain tables and other rules used in navigation. Also the plotting and surveying of places: the latitude of the principal places in England: the finding of currents at sea, and what allowance is to be given in respect of them. / 1
VK551 .N67 1691 Instructions made by the Right Honourable Edward Russel, admiral, in the year 1691. For the better ordering the fleet in sailing by day and night and in fighting. 1
VK551 .N67 1697 The sea-man's practice containing a fundamental problem in navigation experimentally verified namely touching the compass of the Earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measures. Also, an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning or journal at sea in any kind or manner of sailing. With certain tables and other rules used in navigation. As also the plotting and surveying of places: the latitude of the principal places in England: the finding of the currents at sea, and what allowances is to be given in respect of them / 1
VK551 .N67 1698 Norwood's epitome being the application of the doctrine of triangles in certain problems concerning the use of the plain sea-chart, and Mercator's chart, being the two most usual kinds of sailing : with a table of artificial sines, and trangents [sic], and the complements arrithmetical of sines supplying the use of secants ... : also the logarithms of absolute numbers from 1 to a [1000?], with a table of the right ascension and declination of the sun and certain principal fixed stars : whereunto is added the farther use of the forenamed tables in questions of navigation, astronomy and geography : as also an universal almanack / 1
VK551 .P44 1685 The advancement of the art of navigation in two parts, the first, shewing by a new canon of sines, tangents, and secants, how to resolve all cases of right-lined triangles, only by looking into the tables, without any calculation : particularly applied to all the three kinds of sailing : viz. [brace] by the plain-chart, by mercater's chart, by a great circle : and to the art of surveying : the second part shewing several observations for the better ordering the logline, and for the more exact and ready measuring, not only minutes, but seconds of time : with some new experiments for the more constant finding of a ship's way.
The advancement of the art of navigation in two parts, the first, shewing by a new canon of sines, tangents, and secants, how to resolve all cases of right-lined triangles, only by looking into the tables, without any calculation : particularly applied to all the three kinds of sailing : viz. [brace] by the plain-chart, by mercater's chart, by a great circle : and to the art of surveying : the second part shewing several observations for the better ordering the logline, and for the more exact and ready measuring, not only minutes, but seconds of time : with some new experiments for the more constant finding of a ship's way.
VK551 .S35 1642 The navigator shewing and explaining all ye chiefe principles and parts, both theorick & practick that are contayned in the famous art of navigation : with a new and admirable way of sayling by the arch of one of the greatest circles ... / 2
VK551 .S45 Practical navigation, or, An introduction to the whole art containing many useful and geometrical definitions and problems; the doctrine of plain and spherical triangles; plain Mercator, and great-circle sailing; sundry useful problems in astronomy; the use of instruments; the azimuth-compass, ring-dial, variation-compass; the fore-staff, quadrant, plough, and nocturnal; the plain scale, Gunter's scale, sinical quadrant, plain-chart, Mercator's chart, both globes, the inclinatory-needle, and virtues of the loadstone. Useful tables of the moon's age, of the tides, of the sun's place, declination, and right-ascension; of the stars right-ascension and declination; the latitude and longitude of places; and a table of meridional parts : likewise a new traverse-table, and the use thereof in keeping a reckoning at sea : also a table of 10000 logarithms, and of the log. sines, tangents, and secants / 1
VK551 .S45 1672 Practical navigation, or, An introduction to the whole art containing many useful and geometrical definitions and problems ... / 2
VK551 .S77 1700 The mariners magazine stor'd with the following mathematical arts : the rudiments of navigation and geometry ... Also the penalties and forfeitures relating to the customs, and to navigation. With tables of logarithms, sines and tangents ... /
The mariners magazine stor'd with the following mathematical arts : the rudiments of navigation and geometry ... Also the penalties and forfeitures relating to the customs, and to navigation. With tables of logarithms, sines and tangents ...
VK551 .W34 1694 The mariners-compass rectified containing tables shewing the true hour of the day, the sun being upon any point of the compass : with the true time of the rising and setting of the sun and stars, and the points of the compass that the sun and stars rise and set with : and tables of amplitude ... hereunto is added an appendix containing the description and use of those instruments most in use in the art of navigation : with a table of the latitude and longitude of places, composed after a new order /
The mariners-compass rectified containing tables shewing the true hour of the day, the sun being upon any point of the compass : with the true time of the rising and setting of the sun and stars, and the points of the compass that the sun and stars rise and set with : and tables of amplitude ... hereunto is added an appendix containing the description and use of those instruments most in use in the art of navigation : with a table of the latitude and longitude of places, composed after a new order /
VK551 .W34 1696 The mariners-compass rectified containing tables shewing the true hour of the day, the sun being upon any point of the compass : with the true time of the rising and setting of the sun and stars, and the points of the compass that the sun and stars rise and set with : and tables of amplitude : all which tables are calculated from the equinoctial to 60 deg. of latitude : hereunto is added an appendix, containing the description and use of those instruments most in use in the art of navigation : with a table of the latitude and longitude of places, composed after a new order / 1