Call Number (LC) Title Results
W 1.19:936 War Department telephone directory, Washington, D. C., Jan. 1936. 1
W1.19..936 War Department telephone directory, Washington, D. C., Jan. 1936. 1
W 1.2/2:Am1 Report of the Secretary of War of his action under the act entitled an act "authorizing the secretary of war, in his discretion, to purchase subsistence stores, supplies, and materials for the relief of people who are in the Yukon River country, to provide means for their transportation and distribution, and making an appropriation therefor." 1
W 1.2/2:Sa 6 [Report of the campaign which terminated in the fall of Santiago de Cuba ...] / 1
W 1.2/2:Us 8 The USSR: institutions and people : a brief handbook for the use of officers of the armed forces of the United States. 1
W1.2-80 Opinion of Secretary of War in re elevation of bridges over Allegheny River at Pittsburgh. 1
W1.2-81 Tables of basic allowances : Infantry. 1
W1.2-83 Education for citizenship. 1
W1.2-84 Citizens' Military Training Camps : "Red, white, and blue" courses an opportunity for young America. 1
W1.2-85 Special report of Secretary of War to President on Conference on Training for Citizenship and National Defense. 1
W1.2-86 Joint Army and Navy action in coast defense. 1
W1.2-87 Communication procedure between Army and Navy 1
W1.2-88 Statement concerning treatment of conscientious objectors in Army. 1
W1.2-89 Notes on jurisdiction of Secretary of War to settle contracts, etc., and usual basis used in doing so, including Information Circular No. 1 of Board of Contract Adjustment, War Department Circular No. 26, General Order No. 40, and Supply Circulars No. 17 (revised), 19, 46, and 111. 1
W1.2-90 Report of Board of Review of Construction to Assistant Secretary of War, Aug. 31, 1919. 1
W1.2-91.1 War Department correspondence file (revised edition) : Subjective decimal classification with complete alphabetical index; for use of War Department and U.S. Army. 1
W1.2-92 Proceedings and report of special War Department board on courts-martial and their procedure. 1
W1.2-93 Compilation of circulars containing information and instructions relating to demobilization of Army; War Department, Oct. 1, 1918 to Mar. 31, 1919. 1
W1.2-94 War Department policy with reference to disposal of draft deserters. 1
W1.2-95 Suggestions for administration of 8-hour law. 1