Call Number (LC) Title Results
W1304a-13.41 [Issuance of post clocks] 1
W1304a-13.5 [Target practice results, by unit and individual] 1
W1304a-13.6 [Alcoholic beverage sales at military posts] 1
W1304a-13.7 [Instructions for building ballistics wind-gauge] 1
W1304a-13.8 [Issuance of experimental ammunition from Frankford Arsenal] 1
W1304a-13.9 [Issuance of experimental ammunition from Frankford Arsenal] 1
W1304a-14.1 Explanatory of Captain Michaelis method of replacing broken mainspring in service rifle and carbine without using spring vise 1
W1304a-14.10 [Use of company funds to purchase overalls and aprons for company cooks] 1
W1304a-14.11 [Exemption from duty of officers detailed to courts or boards] 1
W1304a-14.12 [Issuance of fuel oil to authorized civilians] 1
W1304a-14.13 [Decision on new helmet of military uniform] 1
W1304a-14.14 [Decision on detail and pay of noncommissioned officers as school teachers] 1
W1304a-14.15 [Clarification on "professional books" authorized for military use] 1
W1304a-14.16 [Instructions on overseers, bread ration, re-enlistment of married man, definition of "intoxicating liquor," and purchase of extra mineral oil] 1
W1304a-14.17 [Notification of obsolescence of Bridgeport reloading tool] 1
W1304a-14.18 [Use of Dutch ovens for baking bread in field] 1
W1304a-14.19 [Target practice results, by unit and individual] 1
W1304a-14.2 [Medical inspection of military personnel to determine need for vaccination] 1
W1304a-14.20 [Instructions for returning unserviceable Bridgeport reloading tools] 1
W1304a-14.21 [Provision of field glasses for officers] 1