Call Number (LC) Title Results
W1704a-32.11 [Prohibition of practice marches for troops ordered to foreign service for 3-month period prior to departure] 1
W1704a-32.12 [Mineral oil allowance for officers living in quarters lighted by electricity] 1
W1704a-32.13 [Instructions on computation of number of men taken for collective fire in target practice] 1
W1704a-32.14 [Ammunition allowance for band members] 1
W1704a-32.15 [Selection of noncommissioned staff and band members for small arms competitions] 1
W1704a-32.16 [Instructions on clothing price lists] 1
W1704a-32.17 [Requisitions of blanks and forms pertaining to target practice and competitions] 1
W1704a-32.18 [Instructions on extra and special issues of fuel] 1
W1704a-32.19 [Instructions on classification of enlisted men discharged after qualification as sharpshooter but before taking test in estimating distance] 1
W1704a-32.2 [Hold-over classification for soldiers qualified as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, and marksmen] 1
W1704a-32.20 [Pay status of infantry bandsmen qualified as expert riflemen and sharpshooters] 1
W1704a-32.21 [Extra pay of noncommissioned staff and infantry band members qualified as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, and marksmen] 1
W1704a-32.22 [Firearm classification of men deserting or otherwise leaving during small arms practice seasons] 1
W1704a-32.23 [Extra pay of qualified expert riflemen failing to requalify] 1
W1704a-32.24 [Instructions to exclude troops sent to Cuba from post and department returns] 1
W1704a-32.25 [Examination for seacoast artillery engineers] 1
W1704a-32.26 [Instructions on records and reports] 1
W1704a-32.27 [Reminder of instructions for maintenance of Hospital Corps detachments at military posts] 1
W1704a-32.28 [Instructions on inclusion of drill regulations in garrison school course for recitations and examinations of field artillery officers] 1
W1704a-32.29 [Instructions on specifying means of adequate lighting in kitchen car contracts] 1