Call Number (LC) Title Results
W1804a-14.8 [Duty-free shipments of horses of Army officers returning to U.S. from foreign posts] 1
W1804a-14.9 [Military personnel in Cuba entitled to fuel and light allowances in U.S. during absence] 1
W1804a-15.1 [Storage of machine guns assigned to fortifications] 1
W1804a-15.10 [Reporting instructions on military pay accounts] 1
W1804a-15.11 [Issuance of military transportation requests and bills of lading] 1
W1804a-15.12 [Reporting instructions to post commanders on curbing illegal traffic in military clothing and equipment] 1
W1804a-15.13 [Reports on artillery target practice] 1
W1804a-15.14 [Clarification of general orders on military personnel] 1
W1804a-15.15 [Requisitions of military blank forms and books] 1
W1804a-15.16 [Extra-duty pay for enlisted personnel on repair and maintenance of seacoast artillery] 1
W1804a-15.17 [Reporting instructions for officers on last examination for promotion] 1
W1804a-15.18 [Instructions on disbursement of pay to enlisted personnel] 1
W1804a-15.19 [Instructions on forwarding military orders and circulars] 1
W1804a-15.2 [Issuance of new magazine rifles and return of obsolete parts] 1
W1804a-15.20 [Workers compensation entitlement of personnel detailed in construction of military housing at Fort Yellowstone, comments from Secretary of Department of Commerce and Labor] 1
W1804a-15.21 [Issuance of corn brooms and mops for officers quarters, post exchanges, and public buildings] 1
W1804a-15.22 [Instructions on identifying responsibility for military equipment damaged by improper marking] 1
W1804a-15.23 [Reporting instructions for detailing enlisted personnel to bakers and cooks school] 1
W1804a-15.24 [Telegraph rates for service between Fort Morgan and Mobile, Ala.] 1
W1804a-15.25 [Filing instructions for report required by Adjutant General's Department] 1