Call Number (LC) Title Results
W1804a-14.17 [Instructions for requisitioning blank forms for artillery practice reports] 1
W1804a-14.18 [Disapproval of purchase by Quartermaster's Department of used furniture from military personnel] 1
W1804a-14.19 [Pay status of infantry bandsmen qualified as expert riflemen and sharpshooters] 1
W1804a-14.2 [Filing instructions on identification records for military prisoners] 1
W1804a-14.20 [Instructions for militia organizations regarding provision of rations during coast defense exercises] 1
W1804a-14.21 [Instructions on keeping records of official military business] 1
W1804a-14.22 [Schedule of military transports sailing between Newport News, Va. and Havana, Cuba] 1
W1804a-14.23 [Pay status for noncommissioned staff and band members qualified as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, or marksmen] 1
W1804a-14.24 [Examination for seacoast artillery engineers] 1
W1804a-14.25 Extract from proceedings of Board of Ordnance and Fortification 1
W1804a-14.26 [Sales of Coca-Cola at military post exchanges] 1
W1804a-14.27 [Instructions on sending telegrams to Forts Dade and DeSoto in Florida] 1
W1804a-14.28 [Extra-duty pay for enlisted personnel detailed as clerks in artillery district offices] 1
W1804a-14.29 [Issuance of rifle ammunition for target practice] 1
W1804a-14.3 [Hold-over classification for military firearm qualification and extra-pay status] 1
W1804a-14.30 [Instructions on rifle and bayonet issuance to garrisoned posts and coast artillery companies] 1
W1804a-14.4 [Instructions for returning superseded rifles and related equipment and ammunition to Augusta Arsenal and Springfield Armory] 1
W1804a-14.5 [Reporting instructions on military personnel entitled to campaign badges] 1
W1804a-14.6 [Personnel on furlough during target practice entitled to hold-over classification as qualified sharpshooter] 1
W1804a-14.7 [Schedule of military transports sailing between Newport News, Va. and Havana, Cuba] 1