Call Number (LC) Title Results
W1904a-12.7 [Firearm qualification and extra-pay status of band members qualifying in Philippines prior to 1909 general order canceling eligibility] 1
W1904a-12.8 [Insertion of 1906 rifle model cartridge clip] 1
W1904a-12.9 [Instructions on completing pay accounts for cavalry officers below rank of major who furnish their own mounts, with sample] 1
W1904a-13.1 [Instructions on ordering white gloves for field service] 1
W1904a-13.10 [Instructions on requisitions for officers mounts] 1
W1904a-13.11 [Instructions on supervision of supplies] 1
W1904a-13.12 [Hold-over classification for military firearm qualification and extra-pay status] 1
W1904a-13.13 [List of required clothing and supplies for men sent to Training School for Farriers and Horseshoers, Fort Riley, Kans.] 1
W1904a-13.14 [Pay and classification of qualified sharpshooters] 1
W1904a-13.15 [Forage allowance and pay for mounted officers] 1
W1904a-13.16 [Instructions for equipping machine gun platoons with rifles when in garrison] 1
W1904a-13.17 [Instructions on destruction of government publications, including clothing schedules, summary court cases, and obsolete drill regulations] 1
W1904a-13.18 [Instructions on reports on military personnel actions] 1
W1904a-13.2 [Curricula specifications for military law courses at garrison schools for officers] 1
W1904a-13.3 [Requisitions of subsistence stores and property] 1
W1904a-13.4 [Instructions on proficiency determinations for officers studying tactics in garrison schools] 1
W1904a-13.5 [Charges for altering, making, or repairing military uniforms] 1
W1904a-13.6 [Instructions on management of typhoid bacillus carriers and on admissions to Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.] 1
W1904a-13.7 [Instructions on management of subsistence stores at military posts] 1
W1904a-13.8 [Instructions on target practice and classifications of qualified expert riflemen, sharpshooters, and marksmen] 1