Infantry exercise of U.S. Army abridged for use of militia of U.S.; 5th edition, to which is added ""Compliments by troops under review,'' and ""Form and course of inspection,'' abridged from ""General regulations for Army'' |
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Tactics of infantry of U.S. Army, abridged for use of militia of U.S., 6th edition, revised and improved, to which is added ""Compliments by troops under review'' and ""Form and course of inspection,'' abridged from ""General Regulations for Army'' |
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Regulations for field exercise, manoeuvres, and conduct of infantry of U.S. drawn up and adapted to organization of militia and regular troops. |
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Rules and regulations for field exercise and manoeuvres of infantry, compiled and adapted to organization of Army of U.S., agreeably to resolve of Congress, dated Dec. 1814 |
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Rules and regulations for field exercise and manoeuvres of infantry compiled and adapted to organization of Army of U.S., agreeably to resolve of Congress, dated Dec. 1814. |
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Rules and regulations for field exercise and manoeuvres of infantry, compiled and adapted to organization of Army of U.S., agreeably to resolve of Congress, dated Dec. 1814 ; to which is added, best system extant for light infantry and riflemen |
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Infantry tactics Explanation of plates. |
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Infantry tactics, double and single rank adapted to American topography and improved fire-arms, revised edition [with trumpet calls] |
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Infantry tactics, double and single rank adapted to American topography and improved fire-arms, revised edition [with trumpet calls] |
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Infantry tactics, double and single rank adapted to American topography and improved fire-arms, revised edition. |
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Official decisions and changes in Upton's infantry tactics, as authorized by War Department |
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Infantry tactics, or, rules for exercise and manoeuvres of U.S. infantry, new edition, Evolutions of line. |
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Infantry tactics, or, rules for exercise and manoeuvres of U.S. infantry. School of battalion, and instruction for light infantry or rifle. |
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U.S. infantry tactics, for instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of soldier, company, line of skirmishers, and battalion; for use of colored troops of U.S. infantry |
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Abstract of infantry tactics including exercises and manoeuvres of light-infantry and riflemen : for use of militia of U.S. |
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Infantry drill regulations, U.S. Army, adopted Oct. 3, 1891 |
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Official decisions and changes in Upton's infantry tactics, as authorized by War Department |
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U.S. infantry tactics, for instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of U.S. infantry, including infantry of line, light infantry, and riflemen, May 1, 1861; containing school of soldier, school of company, instruction for skirmishers, general calls, calls for skirmishers, and school of battalion; including Articles of War and dictionary of military terms, with questions adapted to text [with bugle calls] |
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Infantry tactics School of company. |
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Cavalry tactics, Vol. I School of trooper, of platoon, and of squadron. |
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