Call Number (LC) Title Results
W3411-4.111 Musketry instruction and long-range infantry fire in Austria, France, and Prussia 1
W3411-4.112 Lessons from late war; lecture on results of field firing in India in view to their tactical application 1
W3411-4.113 Trials of Krupp guns 1
W3411-4.114 Instructions for care and use of Frankford Arsenal hand tools for reloading cartridges 1
W3411-4.115 Report of board of ordnance officers composed of Captain John E. Greer and 1st Lieutenant Rogers Birnie, Jr., upon certain small arms captured from hostile Indians 1
W3411-4.116 Range-finders 1
W3411-4.117 Swollen barrels in service small arms 1
W3411-4.118 Tests of cartridges Report on manufacture of small-arm ammunition at Frankford Arsenal. 1
W3411-4.119 On question whether any development of material of field artillery is necessitated by general adoption of entrenchments on field of battle, and if so, on direction such development should take 1
W3411-4.120 Military aspect of Canada 1
W3411-4.121 Military transport 1
W3411-4.122 Inspection of arms of 5th U.S. Infantry 1
W3411-4.123 Bursting of English 38-ton gun (continuation of Ordnance Notes 96 and 101) 1
W3411-4.124 Gardner machine gun Trial of Gardner machine gun by Ordnance Board, U.S.A., composed of Lieutenant Colonels S. Crispin and T. G. Baylor and Major Clifton Comly, Ordnance Department. 1
W3411-4.125 Annealing furnace, arm-rack; report on new cartridge annealing furnace in use at Frankford Arsenal; portable arm-rack for company quarters 1
W3411-5.127 Hardening of steel 1
W3411-5.128 Gallery target practice 1
W3411-5.129 Carriage for Lowell battery gun 1
W3411-5.130 Benton's electro-ballistic machine for determining velocity of projectiles 1
W3411-5.131 Physical properties of Ulster tube iron 1